FML -vs- Grand Jury duty

So I have been summoned for Grand Jury duty…awesome.

I already know that there is no way out of this unless I am a coke addicted
hooker with 10 kids and no income.

The slip says it can go for up to 30 days…FUCK

Anyone have any experience with this? How long did it last? Do they comp you for parking in the garage? Did it last 8 hours a day?

FUCK :banghead:

Ugh, Grand Jury sucks balls, its typically one or two days per week for a long ass time if you get picked. Just hope they don’t call your number or don’t pick you.

There is no number. I am already selected. FUCK

Have fun with your $3/day. Hopefully you get a sweet case and is somewhat entertaining.

In that case yeah, you’re pretty much fucked. If it’s like regular jury duty parking was on you. Hours depend on how many cases are on the docket. Go in, listen to a little presentation from both sides, decide if there’s enough to charge the person or not, and repeat. A guy in my dept was on it all fall, some days he could be at work by 11am, others he was out alld ay.

$40/day plus work covers $40/day.

And it’s not a “innocent” or “guilty” deal. We are selecting whether or not there is enough evidence to take it to the next step in the court system.

Ahhh. :tup:

$40/day is meh though. Especially if lunch/parking is on you.

Good luck.

I have been trying to get on grand jury since I was summoned 2 years ago.

twice I couldn’t make it due to summer class issues. The other 3 times I would go, sit in and listen to the blah blah, have them pick out the 21 or whatever it is they need, and I have yet to be one of those selected. Of course instead of taking the option of not being bothered for 7 years, I ask them to move me up to 6 months from now and I’ll try again.

Its great then I get my slip in the mail and it says postponed 5x

Why do you want to get on so bad?

Because Jon is INSANE!!!

IDK, it seems like it would be fun. I have nothing going on in my life where it would interfere and I would like to see how this whole system works by actually being involved in it

Pose as me?


grand jury is just listening to the prosecution’s presentation.

op, sorry dude.

My head is too small :frowning:

:meh: thanks.


this is one of your most important duties as a citizen.

yeah, it’s not fun, but rational people are needed… imagine if you had a family member on trial, wouldn’t you want somebody like you taking part in the process.

I already know that there is no way out of this unless I am a coke addicted
hooker with 10 kids and no income.

I think they would take you even if this were true.

I did my jury duty a year ago, I waited around all day then finally, right before the day ended, the stupid kid plead guilty and the rest of us went home. What a wasted day that was

idk I do enough as a “citizen”. Saving the world is hard enough.

Is it sad I know that’s the crimson chin from fairly odd parents?

No, he rocks.

FUCK I do not want to do this simply for the fact that I will be losing money.