so, jury duty sucks


I got a notice in the mail a few days back.:tdown:

Funny thing is,I know two other people that got them as well.

April 2nd

i kind of like it. but i get payed full rate to be there.

Fuck that dude, you might get $5 out of it!

i get paid in full too. im soo jealous of a person at the office, they have grand jury duty… i would love to serve my local government!

wifi, baby.

im definately taking a pay cut to be here. and i had to pay to park. and i had to get up early. i havnt even had a full cup of coffee yet :mad:

there are a few computers here with internet, i claimed one of the desks when i walked in

I loved when i had jury duty. That was when i used to work overnight, so they had to pay me also. I was pissed i didnt get on a jury because my pay would have been doubled for like a month.

yes it does

it was so goddamn hard for me to get out of bed for that…

lol i still have not had to go yet, got my summons or whatever a few years back but it ended up getting cancelled :tup:

What happens if you just don’t show up? Do you get man fucked by the government or something?

If I didn’t want to go I’d just pretend to know the defendant lol


I got out of it 2 weeks ago. My number was 1645, so it never got called. Now I’m exempt for 7 years :wink:

my number was 32. i was out by like 11:30, the case me and a bunch of people got selected for was postponed till tomorrow, so im good for 8 years

:stuck_out_tongue: i’d love jury duty. court ftw.

Fuck jury duty.

Jury Duty with Paulie Shore… hmmm funny movie.

u should just tell them that ur racist, then they wont want u to serve

im sure they hear that all day long.

either way, im out.