Jury duty?


lol i dont want to vote , im against whatour whole government has been doing all together.


then why the fuck did you register to vote, asshole?

Accept your responsibility to your community and show up.

Do you think people with real jobs and families to take care of want to do jury duty?

If your number is high you probably don’t have anything to worry about.Thats what happened to me,now they wont bother me for a long time.



You don’t have a VALID reason to not do jury duty. Get some damn ambition and do your duty as a citizen. You’re just too damn lazy.

If you ever get arrested, I hope you don’t get a trial by jury, and are just thrown straight in prison.

As a jury member, you are MORE important than the court judge. You determine the outcome of the case, and people’s lives.

And you don’t vote, yet you just had the audacity to bitch about the government doing a poor job.

You sir, are an ignorant fool.



I got my notice a little over a month ago. I lucked out big time and they missed me by 3. I was 1183, they called up to 1180. No one wants to go (at least no one who should actually be on a jury, but it’s one of those things that is just part of our criminal justice system.

fittingly enough, one of todays headlines: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20001307/

Among other efforts around the country to boost participation:

In Los Angeles County, officials have put ads promoting jury service on the court system’s mail trucks. They read: “Jury Service: You Be the Judge.”

In New York state, occupational exemptions to jury service have been eliminated, so doctors, lawyers, firefighters, police officers and even judges can no longer get out of jury duty.

In Florida, court officials use a poster of Harrison Ford, star of the movie “Presumed Innocent,” to encourage people to report for jury duty. The poster was part of a 2005 public service campaign developed by the ABA. “If a picture of Harrison Ford helps us be a more democratic society, then I’m all for it,” said Greg Cowan, a court official in Leon County, Fla.

In Washington, D.C., judges have summoned no-shows to court, where they must explain why they missed their date or face up to seven days in jail and a $300 fine. In Tulare County, Calif., sheriffs go to the homes of no-shows and hand them orders to appear in court to explain themselves.

Around the country, some courts have tried to make jury service less burdensome by raising daily fees paid to jurors, limiting jury service to one day or one trial, and reimbursing jurors for parking costs.

alright i didnt ask for everyones opinion about whether i should do it or not that was not the purpose of this thread so if your not offering suggestions then stay out.Once again for the people who offered positive suggestions thanks.


just postponed mine, and its 7 years. school will work for the postponment though or you don;t give one, postpone and use it for when u scheudle the new date. But when you postpone, mail it in, i did mine over the phone and got a letter saying i was in contempt!


I postponed mine because I was away at school. It’s been a while since then, and they haven’t called me in again, thank god. A year ago I would have dealt with it as my civic duty, but I now run my own business by myself. That supposedly used to excuse you but it won’t anymore due to lack of people to serve. If I got called on a long trial, I’d be out thousands of dollars, and the government isn’t going to pay my bills. So some people (who don’t work full time in one job, or run their own business) can’t always afford jury duty.


I postponed mine because I was away at school. It’s been a while since then, and they haven’t called me in again, thank god. A year ago I would have dealt with it as my civic duty, but I now run my own business by myself. That supposedly used to excuse you but it won’t anymore due to lack of people to serve. If I got called on a long trial, I’d be out thousands of dollars, and the government isn’t going to pay my bills. So some people (who don’t work full time in one job, or run their own business) can’t always afford jury duty.


If you explain them that if you are not there, the bussiness can not operate because you are an indispensable part of it to make decisions and pay bills, or you are the only person working in the bussiness, they will understand. i just did mine that way with state jury duty…had my county jury duty a year ago…

I was called for jury duty about 2 years ago. I was selected for a jury, and it was pretty fun, except for having to get up early :(.

Mine case only lasted a few days though. I don’t know how I would like being there for any longer.


No one wants to go (at least no one who should actually be on a jury, but it’s one of those things that is just part of our criminal justice system.


I liked when i got called for jury duty. At the time i worked nights so the court had to pay me for being there. $40 for a couple hours of sitting around wasnt bad at all.


just postponed mine, and its 7 years. school will work for the postponment though or you don;t give one, postpone and use it for when u scheudle the new date. But when you postpone, mail it in, i did mine over the phone and got a letter saying i was in contempt!


Its actually 8 years now or thats at least what they told me


this is as bad as signing up for the army and saying you can’t be bothered to go to war.


No, it’s not. What a shit argument. You could at least elaborate some.

Not saying I feel you’re wrong, but come on now.


alright i didnt ask for everyones opinion about whether i should do it or not that was not the purpose of this thread so if your not offering suggestions then stay out.Once again for the people who offered positive suggestions thanks.


then do the full-time school and full-time work excuse to get out of it.


You can call once I believe and then they ask you when is good for you so you can’t do it again. If you do not go the second time then you are in some big trouble.