Just a Tidbit of Powdercoating

Well, this isn’t so much a DIY, so feel free to move it if you think it is necessary.

GF wanted her crusty cabinet handles refinished, so I decided to powdercoat them with my newly acquired plethora of powders thanks to Lafengas.

Starting pic: Believe it or not, this is how crusty they were even after I gave them a nice chemical bath to rid them of some crustyness.

Next we have a stripped pic of one of the handles (Yeah I know I didn’t strip it that great, but good enough)

And for the finish, I went with copper vein:

Lineup of a few handles in the different stages for comparison:

And Lastly a close up to show texture:

All done in a toaster oven! :slight_smile:

I will be offering this as a service in the future, so don’t ask now!!! You’ll see a giant advertisement thread when this becomes available and I will most likely be limited on the size of parts as my oven won’t be that big.

very nice andy, looks good