Just an FYI...


I know I still see plenty of people that don’t slow down or get over when passing cops on the shoulder, but either way it says a lot more troopers will be out the first week of April so try not to drive like nutcases. Or at least don’t come in here whining about the ticket you got LOL.

I got pulled over the other night for the first time in a whil on the Dunn memorial bridge heading into Rensselaer.

-I had failed to fully drop from 55 to the bridges 30mph limit (although he didn’t tell me the exact speed)
-Both my rear plate lights were somehow blown (cause for orig stop)
-Didn’t have my copy of the reg with me
-Didn’t have any insurance card
-No front plate.

Took the trooper a good 10 min to come up to the car, but as soon as he lit me up I pulled over, turned off the car, turned on the interior lights and put my hands on the wheel. Was polite as could be when he finally got up to the car. He then came back about 2 min later without a single ticket in his hand, just told me to get my paperwork in the car, lights fixed and wants to see a front plate on the car next time he sees me. Was shocked, second good interaction with a trooper I’ve had, and I’ve been polite and honest. Amazing how that works

Yeah being polite is the best way to go, as is immediately pulling over, too many people have attitude problems or just use the wrong tone of voice and don’t even realize it and thats what racks up the tickets.

I have been pulled over and let go with nothing on my bike (speeding like 10 over) when I first started riding (with just a permit) but because I was polite and didn’t try and run the cop told me:

“We are both going to go down to the end of the street, I will take a left and you will take a right, and I won’t see you again riding alone without a license, right?”

pisses me off when people dont move over

Guy I went to school with was on the news for getting a ticket for this and dwi yesterday…

I got pulled over st patricks day weekend for a headlight out. Did the same thing (turned my lights on rolled down the window etc.) I was polite gave the officer my info and showed him the bag with the new bulb sitting on the seat next to me. He goes back to the car comes back a min later hands me my stuff and goes “have a good night, honestly I’m not looking to ticket you, I’m looking for people who’ve been drinking and shouldn’t be driving”

Funny you mention that, someone posted on FB that they saw someone going the wrong way on the northway last night…had to be hammered. :Idiots

Had a cop pull me over once when I had no front plate, the wrong registration sticker, and no inspection. He saw my rollbar and started checking out the car, we talked about it for like 20 minutes, checks my license and goes “looks like you stay out of trouble. To be honest I didn’t even notice the plate until you mentioned it. I just pulled you over because you had orange wheels and it’s 2am. Have a good night” lolol

I find that if you don’t act like douche bag 99% of the time police are nice. Now and then you run into one that has a bug up his/her butt but most of the time they dish what they receive. They’re just people doing a job.

This too. Honestly, this is one of those things that annoys me that they HAD to make it a law to move over for emergency vehicles, because most drivers are lazy/ignorant/not paying attention enough to step a lane over and give them some room. Just a courtesy to move over.

Now idiots slowing down to 20mph below the speed limit as soon as they see an officer is my biggest peeve about this, especially to those that are already engaged in a traffic stop with light on, like they’re going to whip out and pull you over for doing 10-15 over the limit when you drive by :banghead

Only ticket I ever got was when I was 18. Been pulled over quite a few times since, always kept a smile on and acted polite. Usually they just run my license and say have a good night. Even been pulled out of the car to search it quite a few times and they still let me go. I think its all about respect. If you act like a dick they treat you like one.

Sent from my Evo V 4G using Tapatalk 2

Got pulled over on Monday.

Because I was planning on trading in or selling my X5, I decided to hold off on renewing the reg so I’m not wasting money, which expired on the 24th. So the trooper pulled me over, and I was expecting worse since it was the first time in 3.5yrs since I’ve been pulled over. He came up to the window and simply said “hey, I pulled you over because your reg expired yesterday. When you get home, just hop online and renew it and you’ll be set. Enjoy your night.” No ticket, no hassle, nice trooper. Winning.

OMG yes. It isnt really a hard concept but people want to be ignorant or dont take the time to look into what the law says thats what we get. Traffic jams and accidents becasue people cant just use common sense. And technically the article is not accurate saying we must slow down and move over… the law only says move over and/or obey traffic devices/signals (section 1110/1128 part).

So slowing down well bellow the flow of traffic once again, is actually an offense; 1181.

§ 1144-a. Operation of vehicles when approaching a parked, stopped or
standing authorized emergency vehicle or hazard vehicle. (a) Every
operator of a motor vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid colliding
with an authorized emergency vehicle which is parked, stopped or
standing on the shoulder or any portion of such highway and such
authorized emergency vehicle is displaying one or more red or
combination red and white lights pursuant to the provisions of paragraph
two of subdivision forty-one of section three hundred seventy-five of
this chapter. For operators of motor vehicles on parkways or controlled
access highways, such due care shall include, but not be limited to,
moving from a lane which contains or is immediately adjacent to the
shoulder where such authorized emergency vehicle displaying one or more
red or combination red and white lights pursuant to the provisions of
paragraph two of subdivision forty-one of section three hundred
seventy-five of this chapter is parked, stopped or standing to another
lane, provided that such movement otherwise complies with the
requirements of this chapter including, but not limited to, the
provisions of sections eleven hundred ten of this title and eleven
hundred twenty-eight of this title.
(b) Every operator of a motor vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid
colliding with a hazard vehicle which is parked, stopped or standing on
the shoulder or on any portion of such highway and such hazard vehicle
is displaying one or more amber lights pursuant to the provisions of
paragraph three of subdivision forty-one of section three hundred
seventy-five of this chapter. For operators of motor vehicles on
parkways or controlled access highways, such due care shall include, but
not be limited to, moving from a lane which contains or is immediately
adjacent to the shoulder where such hazard vehicle displaying one or
more amber lights pursuant to the provisions of paragraph three of
subdivision forty-one of section three hundred seventy-five of this
chapter is parked, stopped or standing to another lane, provided that
such movement otherwise complies with the requirements of this chapter
including, but not limited to, the provisions of sections eleven hundred
ten and eleven hundred twenty-eight of this title

I was told by a trooper a couple years ago that you must EITHER slow down “10-15mph” OR move over a lane when an emergency vehicle is passing or you could be charged with “a misdemeanor”

Yes. Now on a two lane highway it would be common sense to slow down a bit and move over into the oncoming lane pending no head on traffic. It’s the morons on major highways that slow down from a 65mph limit to 40 fucking MPH and lock traffic right up as a result. Mind you, traffic that’s flowing at an average 75-80mph doesn’t need a damn brick dropped in the flow moving along at 45mph. Just causes a chain reaction of BS that doesn’t clear up until the officer turns off the red and blues and goes on their merry way.

I was on the thruway the other day and there was a NYST SUV up hiding in the woods on an embankment, no idea how he’d even get down from where he is if he got someone, but he was hidden WELL…seriously some Vietcong shit. Anyways, since he was hidden so well people couldn’t see him, of course the V1 picked him up from a ways back and I dropped it down from warpspeed to a proper 74 or so, as I’m getting passed by suckers doing 85, until they see him and SLAM their brakes on to well below 60mph like a bunch of goofs. Fucking tards.

they just had a trap set up right past the thruway exit on the northway heading south with a yellow DOT van parked on the shoulder with flashing lights and a trooper right ahead of it.