Just another Honda


Actually I cant really think of anything I cut corners on.
Nothing that affects anything anyway. Good heads, good cam, good rockers, etc.

Maybe some stuff I didnt buy the best of but those parts work like the no name control arms.

Theres really nothing that I can think of that I intentionally cobbed on the car either.

cutting corners isnt just buying bogus parts, its getting bogus labor as well.

enough about your piece. every thread ends up beign about how your cars suck and you hate everything.

sick honda, good post stallmer.

Hey, No prob. I thought it was pretty cool. :nod

I like the that shade of green, it’s nice ;D

Haha that’s little more positive

just for PJB



True too but I dont like Tiburons. I dont fit in them.

youre just gangly then. i knew a guy who was 6’6 380 and he drove a mazda protege. and fit no problem. suprising, but he fit. and they arent big cars. this think was like a 96.

Ive seen some huge people in tiny cars before too.

My sister inlaw has an '06 Tiburon and I barely fit in it and getting in and out sucks. Ive driven it a few times but no way would I buy one.

I fit fine in my Elantra and its not really a bigger car but it must be set up differently or something. Im 6’3 and 245 or so.

One of the call agents where I work is like 400lbs and she drives a new beetle. She takes up almost the whole car.

And that civic is sick too.

I saw a woman so fat that she took up the whole front seat of an Expedition and her gut was over the steering wheel.

that’s EXACTLY what I was thinking. RWD FTW :banana

Till that FWD beats most RWD.

That things nasty

Typical ricer.

He drives it in reverse. Duh…

I wonder if its fast :ninja
