Just another reason to hate those annoying Time Warner commercials.

So I havea tech rep on the line, correcting some stuff. Figured while he was there he could answer some questions about the transfer to Roadrunner.

Asked him about the email transfer, and here is what I found out.

  • transfer will take place sometime in spring (i.e. johndoe@roadrunner instead of johndoe@adelphia).

  • Time Warner will be cutting back the quota for email/webspace. Originally with adelphia, we had 100MB email, 10MB webspace. Time Warner will be cutting it to 10MB email, 5MB webspace (what the hell can you do with 5MB webspace? :cjerk: )

Your cable billing will remain the same :hay:

So add that to their throttling down of upload and download speeds, taking away NFL network, Adult Swim on demand, a few other channels I’ve noticed gone. YEah, this is wonderful.

They can take those customer service commercials and shove them. Hard. :mad:

Can’t wait till Verizon finishes pulling the fiber optics down the 290. FIOS/FIOS TV as soon as I see it’s availabe.

Fuck you Time Warner. :tdown:

Wow, sounds like it’s just getting shittier and for the same price. Awesome. :roll:

Word, FIOS can’t come quick enough.

This is why I laughed at those that bitched about Adelphia. :lol:

HBO on demand SUCKS now.

my email address isnt changing :gotme:

yeah I think everybody with an adelphia email address is changing.

I just seen the verizon office is hanging a fios flag on the corner of union and seneca, god I hope we get it soon, as thats like two blocks from my apt.

Dish Network FTW…I still have to pay TW for internet for now but thatll change with FIOS

yeah its pretty lame…I am actually looking at a tech job there so if I get in, free digital cable + intraweb FTW!

But 10Mb of email space is VERY lame

even the dial-up company I work for has 25Mb of email and 10Mb webspace!

:word: but more like doesnt work. Anytime i select a movie it never starts.

down here I can’t get fios yet, when houses two block from where I live have it, all because I live on a island, fucking bullshit I will just run my own damn line



yes i called and said i wouldnt have to worry about a transfer at all

Brighthouse FTW

they have fios here also… it’s pretty nice

FIOS will be > *…but it’ll also be pretty expensive

Comes out to about the same as I pay now with Time Warner RR Premium + HD-DVR + HBO + Cinemax + Encore package


so wheres all the time warner humpers now?

15Mbps fopr $45 FTW!

damnit… i want fios now

They keep running ads for that phone tv internet thing for under 100 bucks, but i haven’t heard of anyone having it yet.

This would be big for my parents who have landlines, tv bills, and internet from different companies.

speed channel wasnt listed on the verizon fios website :frowning: