just got my new RFID debit card...

:noes: :noes: :noes:

dont know if im gonna activate it

:noes: :noes: :noes: :noes:

i dont even think anywhere are here would use it yet…

RFID with a credit card? So you don’t have to sign anymore? How does this work? More info plz.

I got one also, where can I use it

no idea, dont think anywhere around us yet.

theres been a thread on it somewhere here. for now, i think i’ll take the extra 3 seconds and swipe the card.

our movie theater takes em

That’s great. Next time I’m in Rochester and I am going to see “Get dumb or live trying” I’ll be all set.

put it in the microwave for 5 seconds

I got one yesterday… I will stick with my current card, I dont need or want that shit.

so what is it exactly, is it a tangable thing or do they like put it in ur finger? i dunno how it works? seems all sci fi like to me. Not to make this a religeous debate, but if yopu do read the bible alot of shit is going on that is predicted in the bible, as far as like taking away identity and becoming a number…they are talking about doing away with money and shit and using barcodes and whatnot, and even the debit thing like its happening now…kinda freaky if you realy look into it…i dunno just my $.02

jeg…i think ur taking it too far.

but yea i dont have any use for it as of yet. old one works just fine and im not convinced rfid is any good yet.

put your bible in the microwave for 50 minutes

tear out the part where the drunken father has sex with his kids though. that shit is so hot mmmmhmmm.


what you just said is worth exactly…


Why, Janny, do you mean “relevance?”

Why are people so freaked out by this stuff?

I say, give me retinal scan for all my purchases (no more printed / coined money) and I’d be happier.

Have the system ask where the funds should come from, or have a “default” source to make things quicker. If you want to use credit, it would access your various lines of credit, perhaps using multiple lines and actual on-hand cash at the same time.

Figure everyone has actual cash value (how much money you have in the bank and in cash), and most people have some value based on future earnings, etc.

I guess the only problem with this is you can’t hand money to anyone without some computer system. Hmm… maybe we’d still have some cash printed up, but not as much. I can’t stand carrying cash and coins.

i heard thats how much your gettin on your corner now…oooo burn.


becuse i dont like the idea of my card always sending out a wireless signal.

for example:

im walking through the mall. i have my card in my wallet. someone else is walking through the mall, only with a RFID reciever in his pocket recording any signals and info it may pick up. this person then goes home, and either just uses my card online, or has a card writer and writes my card info to his blank credit card, which he then goes out to use.

Maybe I’d agree if I hadn’t seen “Minority Report”. :lol:

Decent write up on it.
Ppl in it where interveiwed from buffalo