So much for security of new "enhanced" license/passport card

I got my new enhanced license in the mail today and it came with this little foil lined sleeve to keep it in with instructions that it should be kept in there at all times, except when handing it over at the border.

Not being the kind to simply accept such stupid suggestions I did some reading and found this:

So basically anyone with an understanding of electronics can build a little scanner and drive around reading every RFID tag they get remotely close to.

The best part is the government seems to be assuming that everyone is just going to comply with putting their PICTURE id in a NON-SEE THROUGH SLEEVE. :roflpicard:

you actually bothered with one of those? when I saw they’re not even valid for pretty much anything but crossing into canada by car i figured they were pretty much useless


Don’t even get me started.:tinfoilhat:

that is kinda funny

It’s meets the WHTI for land and sea, which is all the traveling I plan on doing. It was $30 vs $100 or more for a passport, took 20 minutes for one trip to the local DMV to get, so I figured why spend $70 and more time on something I don’t need.

Canada, Mexica, Bermuda and the 17 nations the US considers to be “Caribbean region”.

The passport has an RFID chip in it also.

So do american express blue cards (i have one)…

Other credit cards have it also.

Mobil on the run, speedpass, all that shit.

Yeah, i’m not a fan of cruises and driving to the caribbean is a little tricky so for me it’d be reduced to driving to canada or tijuana when i’m in san diego. I’ll stick with the passport

The best thing about the passport is you only need to carry your passport when leaving the country, not every single place you go to.
F the enhanced license, “they” don’t need to know where I am.

So just keep it in the foil pouch, or better yet, under your foil hat.

Time to start hanging out around JayS’s house with the RFID reader :lol:

Go for it, from what I’ve read there is no personal info stored on the chip, just a unique ID. Having that stolen doesn’t really hurt the individual in any way it just greatly compromises the document as a secure ID. The unique ID doesn’t give you access to anything like my banking or SSN info, just my country. :slight_smile:

they only risk you are really at is some person tracking your whereabouts. I don’t really think it is cool for me to be tracked, but at least you’re not at risk for id theft.

You mean some super sneaky government agency, or some individual that manages to steal your unique ID?

Because A is a little too tin foil hat for me, and B is even dumber.

I don’t realistically think that either of them would be actively happening. However, that is the RISK.

Just because I see the risk there, doesn’t mean I think it is being exploited. I’m not one for tin foil hats, but I like to be educated.

The passport one is good for 10 years vs. the enhanced license is only good for 2 years is think.

You’re not saving anymore. It’s actually more expensive for the enhanced license.


It’s a radio barcode.

Sure they can scan it.

and then…?

If they do get the info, they then know what about you?

The enhanced license is good for 8 years, and it’s only $30 extra on top of what you have to pay for your regular license, which you’ll be paying for regardless.

They even pro-rate your existing license if it’s not going to expire right off and you want to renew to an enhanced license.

max scan range is 150’ under certain circumstances… you’re more apt to be “tracked” via your cell phone considering there is a ginormous network of cell towers with which to do so, at ranges well over 150’.
