Just Kill Me Now

Fuck motherfuckers…

things that will supremely aggravate me today… without maintaining rational thoughts these will ultimately will lead me to ripping motherfuckers skin right off their face:

  1. Scheduling a 4pm - 7pm meeting at 3:49pm… use some tact you fucking asshole… I wish I was a native american statue collecting pedophile boy-scout troop leading horn blower that knows nothing of respect of people’s time. Only once in my life would I really enjoy seeing someone burnt to death in front of me. There is a part of me that only wants pain and agony for dipshits as explained. I can only hope for the best, in which this dude will wreck his car into a telephone pole and die a slow and fiery death.

  2. Having 32 hours booked by EOD Tuesday… here we are and I’m knee deep in hours… what is awesome is that I get paid hourly, what isn’t awesome is that I don’t want the fucking money… nor do I want the prestige of being someone minion working on bullshit problems. There is a time and place for putting in the extra mile, but not when the firefighting is the direct repercussion of an idiot attempting to do their job and truly fucking up… why is it that I seem to do so almost weekly?

  3. Using the word “solve” as a noun. “Sonny, thank you for that quick solve.” To my quick response, “I wish you’d choke and die” … people that attempt to sound like they are off the cover of CEO magazine make me sick… instead of brushing up on vocab, try to brush up on logistical and rational thoughts you jackoff… I am truly in a bitter mood when I have nothing but hate and angst for the general public holistically… typically I only hate specific people and not the entity as a whole…

  4. people that feel they are deserving - do not, ever, assume that something is guaranteed… in life, you should quickly learn that everything goes shit south and fast… I am not all that amused with the idea that I need to do something for you, predisposed. Infact, that function will be done in the most lackadaisical and aberrant methodology as possible… I’ll add confusion and complexity until the process is something so arduous that the ‘requestor’ is completely inundated with bullshit so that it is not repeatable. Naturally it’ll be functionally tight, as the work I produce and complete always is, but the process from A to B will be ugly as can be.

How are you all doing? Actually I don’t care… I hate people and really if I never breathe another breath I’ll have to thank the lord for ending such a long and ill-gotten road of aggravation and hate.

sonnys first rant of 08’

Im glad your back, I’ve missed these

thanks, i needed this hahah

i hate you too sonny :smiley:

i miss these post from sonny as well :bigthumb:

:finger2: :slight_smile:


Lets start our own consulting company. I am pretty sick of making my company millions of dollars.

how are you doing?

soooooooo wanna make out?

Your first line summarizes it pretty well. :rofl:


You would know about emo huh??

Maybe Fico can counter with something even more emo?

J/K well written and I got a good laugh from it. I don’t do as much on a daily basis, but I can relate to the unsettling feeling of telling some people I work with where to go and how to get there.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: completely agree!


Holy Jesus. Someone had a bad case of the Tuesdays.

join the club…ive been a misanthrope for a while now

the thign that has been pissin me off lately here @ work is people think they are A LOT more important than they really are.

heh, sad thing is Sonnys been like this since I met him when we were just 15.

Been a while since he ranted on here.

Damn, made it until the middle of May. If there was an over/under bet on this on New Years, it would definitely be on the over side.


I am sick of making someone else rich too…motivated to retire at 50 myself instead of making someone else who can retire at 40 able to retire at 35…

Sonny is more like Monday, but exacerbated in this case… :smiley: