Just one last touch for this winters modding *pics*

evo just needed something better bov wise so got this:





now im ready to rock.

SOV? Shit Out Valve?

j/k…looks good! :tup:

thats sqv lol

:tup: which insert?

hope u got the turkey call insert

they sound like shit :tup:

shouldnt you be re-circulating?


its not pictured, but yes i am recirculating

good man

most local people ive seen with this ended up hating it and getting another…u talk to klemann at all?

Hey at least he didn’t go with the Greddy Type R-eally crappy

nah havent talked to him, but if i dont like it i can send it back or put my loud ass turbo xs bov thats on the car now back in :lol:

Nice. I’ve got 2 of them :slight_smile:

Wow, I thought it said Super Soy

or the type s-uck

personally, i think the TXS one is tits…


whats wrong with the greddy type r?

I love mine :tup: lol

my brother has the super sequential on his stealth. sounds SO hot.

You should have bought a stock Evo MR bov.

Most people think that their hks ssq sounds awesome, typically what they hear is compressor surge…

As for turbo xs…those are such pieces of garbage…the orings go bad in them so often its rediculous. Not to mention that the adaptors royally suck, this company has no clue what the terms “tight clearances” or “quality” are.

Turbo xs = boost leak