WTB: Bov

Ok looking for a new BOV…

What do you guys have??

i currently have a Turbosmart that looks like this… so i need a style like this



get a tial :tup:

dont like the way they look.

wow, dos, sometimes i wonder. ive been wondering what kinda BOV i have on mine, and i guess mines a turbosmart too. it works fine

as far as sound on my car:

tial = fast chirp
turbosmart = flutter/supra

function: they both work

the flanges are different, but welding a different flange on is cake. i liked the sound of both of them

-4372895 karma points.

ok dude who wants Blue wheels.

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

function > form

function + form > just form.

not when ur car has been down almost half the summer except for a few spirts here and there…I would get whatever works good

hey AdamDoS. We should both go to Mike and see if we get a deal for two.
I might go today and pick one up. I know you dont like the way that Tial bov looks, but i do. lol thats what matters. jk lmao

Good Luck!

edit: by the way. whats wrong with the one you have now?


Come on man…that turbo smart is no cute bov. Get something that works great


Wheels Newman’s getting = color matched to his car and seen all the time.

BOV = under hood and rarely seen.

Who gives a shit how it looks as long as it works properly (which yours obviously doesn’t). Man up and get the best BOV that you can afford. Then you won’t have to worry about that part of your setup failing.

Shouldn’t you be in the middle of training???

i agree… i am not saying get me some cheap BOV that looks sweet but works like shit. i want both…

So stop beating a dead horse guys, i simply just dont like the Tial BOV, as far as looks and i dont think it would fit that well where my flange is located.

HKS SSQV then? :gotme:

any one sell it locally?


I would not recomend a SSQV, they leak and you WILL get compressor surge.
Have you thought about a JDM Evo MR valve? They hold 30+psi with no problem, respond extremely well and are an OEM part (which means reliability)
If you are worried about a new flange. Just take the pipe off and bring it to us. We would be more than happy to help you.

the SSQ worked pretty nicely on Klemann’s Evo :gotme: