Just saw this local vid!

So than why’d you tell me you just got back from a double penetration session?

And, did you ever figure out who gave you gonorrhea?

did you get eiffle towered?

yeah me and your dad was DP’ing your mom.

on second thought, I think I got the gone from your mom.

No, he got RedSock’d


My mom passed away, dude…

you guys are …holds breath

they are cool guys. by no means am i in love with them…but id hug em.
this is all the same guys…i hope you realize that they can drift, probably better then you.


then call me a necropheliac!

Fuck lmao!!!

Ok, that was a good/nasty comeback. I was wrong, you win LMFAO

i cant drift for shit, thats why my car has broken shit all over…
so your right, but making a video hardly makes someone the most jdm tight mother fucker to walk the earth…

i dont even think the acronym jdm has been used in this thread yet.

drift posse “lets it all hang out”
i think they are pretty good none the less, pat is a manimal.

i drift a bimmer… i’m the most jdm tight out there.

Breaker, have you ever actually seen DriftPosse…Drift? Pat Cyr is one of the Pro drivers in DMCC.

Chase, Curtis, Corey and Brad, are all runner up guys who will make it pro.

yeah? well … when i grow up, i want to be a dinosaur.

im not hating on anyone in this thread, just chirping the op for posting a lame video…

the OP posted this video to entertain the ones of who would actually enjoy it, Dont like it? too freakin bad. no one said they were jdm tight, you did so eat your own words. I’m sorry to hear your car is busted but you own a S13, all S13s are busted in some way, boo freakin hoo.

Drift Posse deserves respect for their showing of support of each other to encourage growth in their drifting skills so show some respect or get out.

BTW Having a Silvia Front and a set of VS-XX doesnt make you JDM tight

show me where i said i was jdm tight dickbutt

sure, right after you show me where they said in the video or this thread they were JDM tight you douchewad

they dont say it anywhere. listen, all i said was it was a shitty video. i dont know DP, or what they do for the comunity. but they do need a new cinematographer.

then shut your mouth and dont comment. game, set, and match.

If you think you can do better with a HD cam, go right ahead, i challenege you to grab a bunch of your buddies with S13s (if you even have any) and make a video that would out class this one and i will take back everything ive said in this thread.

All that aside if you cant or wont take up my challenge, then go back to sitting down, shutting up and posting something that benefits the rest of the 240 community. You’re more than welcome to discuss this with me further on in PM if you have anything productive to say else but dont waste my time.

Dope video. Would you guys allow bikes in the crew? I’m taking pedals and skid marks. lol.

If so, I’m down with the quickness.

sure, i will make one. give me a few weeks.