Just saw this local vid!

I’ll be waiting…

This thread is full of retard.

Well, one.

show us ur skills than

come to one of my track days this year

and meet drift posse your self

curtis will love you

i cant tell if thats sarcasm or not.
and dont worry i will be coming.
huray for having an income!

Haha, yea Curtis will show him a good time.

Who cares? These are some random white dudes who like abusing their cars just like the car was meant to be used. The only thing I dont agree with is the crappy ass music they play.

gayer than aids

MARTINO!!! ill expect that S1DC shirt back now lol


Much love for S1DC to, dont worry Cody! I can’t forget the guys who taught me how to drift lol

Man I love SON…


Does anyone have track videos of these guys?

Just click on Cyrious Productions in the right corner on streetfire, there’s plenty more vids there

If you guys don’t know Drift Posse you really are a hard parker.

And Tom would know hard parker’s because he is the leader of the HPZK (hard parkerz krew) !!!

I OWN YOU IN DRIFTINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! ESPECIALLY YOU !!! yes youuuuuuuuuuu know who u r ! thats right.
and u bring the panty wetters too! i wanna see this so called group!
and il show u the triangle tent bulge crew ~ wat?!

so many ppl talk the talk but trip over wen they walk.

Yea, im new. Haven’t been to any track days, dmcc or many meets. But I’ve heard “of” them.

Youtube does wonders :wink:

lol yuppie scum.

whens the first track day for drift posse?

Man, i love DP!

yea drift posse is cool too.

lol was wondering when Pat was gonna post some kind of comment…and for the posters who think its “garbage” or whatever the hell else you wanna call it…make your own god damn videos and post them so we can all rag on them too. Drift Posse is the fuckin coolest bunch of guys I have ever hung around always down for a good time…and the fact that most of them are fuckin animals behind the wheel speaks beyond their “cinematography” who gives a shit if they don’t have the best camera…atleast they practice all year round (and don’t give me that shit about its easy cuz theres snow ont he ground) let’s see you do what they are doing…on a shoe string budget might I add.
