Just so you guys know...a_ahmed is back.

By the fact that you created a completely unnecessary ruckus between each other through immature commentaries and insults, spread half truths, lies, bullshit, degradation and mockery. In every concise way trying to ruin a person’s reputation before they even have a chance to defend themselves, mindlessly being repetitive to sound convincing towards others around you as if low on self-esteem on your own beliefs, thus trying to put down the other person, continually attempting to make the other person look foolish regardless of anything and get as many people rallied up behind you like minions to strengthen the effect and lastly doing this whether anyone knows the person in real life or not.

Instead of being a team player, co-operative and an open minded car enthusiast (something that would help son240 as a whole for a change, no matter how many track days anyone helps run) you resorted to being an elitist prick, which if exposed to other environments and other people’s would make you nothing but a prick still in reality regardless of opinion or facts. While quite frankly no one is deserving of being ‘elitist’ over anybody, it’s a lame e-thug attitude.

Basically being supported by whatever you say regardless of it’s level of stupidity due to silly popularity, regardless of what is discussed or stated true or not, causing mockery, making another person look foolish through persisting insults and immature provocative commentary as if the other person knows nothing, has no experience, no knowledge and as if the other person was telling all lies, basically wrong, stupid, idiot and you were the only decisively correct and experienced person and whatever you said was the way and the only way.

Yet here you are today being on the same page with the same product after finally meeting the limits of the car’s performance and desiring to run something better. No doubt now satisfied with the choice and no doubt anyone who tried the car amazed as well.

If you ever make a claim to something, stick to it, instead you will be a hypocrite, and you did exactly that, not stick to what you were so religiously preaching, mockingly indiscriminately the opposite side with your pompous position. Going to such great lengths to shun and insult the other person.

Fact is you probably did not drive your car hard enough to realize the limits of the brakes until after gaining some more track exposure. Now you do, so now you run them. It’s inexcusable, whatever the circumstances, you went against your firm and staunch opinions that at any moment o oposition you were even insulting on.

So immature by the continuing attitude and persisting unfriendly mentality and hypocrite by doing that which you staunchly preach against.