Just so you guys know...a_ahmed is back.

I love run-on sentences.

ahmed… you did not respond to my question. but i know it’s you anyway. so that’s ok.

ahmed… how many times have you been to a track? have you ever driven on a road course?

ahmed… if stock 240sx aren’t enough for you on the street, it begs the question: what kind of irresponsible driving do you do on the street that stock “braking power” (or even 300zx “braking power”) isn’t enough?

ahmed… there is NO reason whatsoever, for daily traffic driving, to need bigger brakes than what 240sx’s are equipped with from the factory. if you find yourself running out of brakes, it is your driving that needs improvement - not your brakes.

awwwwwwww man u touched my heart anything i ever said bad about u i dont take back.
there must be a reason ppl dislike you. could it be u talk a good talk… probly
my porblem is u chit chat like you know everything yet ur car is on jack stands. playn from the side lines doesnt count. get in the game then talk.

no spd-demon, I think you just fail to understand anything I’ve tried to even say. Otherwise everyone should then not modify their 240 just as the government wants everyone not to and you all deserve to get cars confiscated for even having a freaking air intake ‘modification’. Likewise exotics and expensive sports cars should be also banned as they have no purpose on public roads… right.

Like I said anything with four wheels is good enough to get you by. That’s not my point. I have two to get me by daily driver cars.

I’ve went to a few non nissan autox events and a few track days. Whoopie do. Now what are you going to attack me on about. I’m not some professional racer like son240 guys are. I mean I don’t run track days, although I’d love to when I get more experience.

It’s pretty pointless to discuss. I’ve stated what I was going to state. It’s like talking to rocks. You only see and hear what you want to hear and see.

All I know is I love my car and I’ll do what I deem to be right with it :slight_smile: You can do whatever you want to do with your cars, including, leaving them stock. I don’t street race just for your information, plenty of you guys fuck around with your cars be they stock or not on the street. It’s only hypocritical to say otherwise as I’ve witnessed it myself, and sadly most are not even maintained properly as they are rusting/damaged/whatever. Kind of makes me sad every time I see our cars on the road. I prefer to get good gas mileage, but I know how to drive my cars. Thanks…

ahmed… is your car still automatic with a stock ka?

what road course have you driven on?

if this is in fact the case, how in the world did you attain brake fade in traffic??

^^^ how dare u. its quad turbo’d with nos…
ahmed let me guess ur going lajit homie
nirous circuit?


I used one of these lmao


nice attempt at avoiding the question.

what road course have you driven on?

how did you fade stock brakes in traffic?

In befoe the lock.

Stock brakes are good enough for stock power

And I’m posting from an I phone!

no spd-demon, I think you just fail to understand anything I’ve tried to even say.

maybe if you didn’t write so goddamn much…

ahmed, how are you not embarassed?

i hope you realize how stupid you sound. EVERYONE reading this thread is laughing AT YOU, not with you.

but hey, i guess ignorance is bliss, right?

COLES NOTES: you’re an idiot, GTFO.

I guess I epically fail at overusing your IQ over vocabulary greater than you’re used to reading.

You’re a retard Mark. I tried to conduct myself maturely and to discuss something sanely with an open mind and respect. Obviously you guys have no fucken respect for anything except your lil crew of lemmings and minions.

It’s just as before, the same people, and a few new hires of minions who go along with the flow, whatever is said or done.

And as always either you do what we do, think the way we think or you’ll get jumped and are stupid, then proceed to get insulted. If you suggest something we don’t have it’ll be track only and you’re a retard. Oh no, we are the best.

You’ve made up your little brains no matter how hypocritically proven you are. Go back to stock brakes then man, go back to what you used to preach so religiously and staunchly for. You don’t need wilwood brakes if you never needed 300zx brakes and q45 brakes were enough for you and too good to be true.

All you can do is make up lies and bullshit about me all day long and try to make jokes or mockery out of it. I came here to just respond to your idiocy, as always you guys have plenty of lies and bullshit to make up against me. That’s great, good for you. That way you will increase your ego and self-esteem.

As soon as someone mentioned a_ahmed, automatically you started insults, telling lies right on the spot. Sil8t too, I mean it’s like you’re lying, pathetically and then… after being disproven you go on to new mockery and new insults. Pretty pathetic. Really pathetic actually.

Well whatever, enjoy your cars.

Make sure to unmodify your cars before the police confiscates them. Must run stock cars. It’s not for the road, it’s not necessary to have a good car, it’s only for the track to have a good car. Remember… making your car better should be illegal and only or the track and son240’s mark. Exotics and other generally expensive European cars should also be banned from public roads as they are only good for the track.

I’ve never had an issue with HOW ahmed phrases things, even though I do find it pretty cumbersome having to read it all. In most cases, what he says in a page, can be said in a short paragraph. It does bother me a bit that he makes claims to working as a journalist, because as such, you are required to present any information you have in a clear and concise manner. His shit is anything but clear and concise. If he does work as a journalist as he claims, one can’t help but wonder if he’s as crappy of a journalist as he is a driver and tuner.
My issue with ahmed has always been the misinformation he spews. Everything he says is grabbed off various forums, and rephrased without being verified through either knowledge, or first hand experience.
I can attest to the braking abilities of a stock 240SX, from my own (limited as it may be) track experience, as well as from the experiences of Andrew and Adam, whom I’ve talked with on many occasions on this subject.
I faded on Dunville (and boiled my fluid), NOT on Shannonville. Stock brakes, cheap street pads from NAPA, DOT 3 fluid. The limiting factor for me staying on the course at Shanonville, was either: the amount of gas in my tank, or pain in my arms from turning the wheel and holding myself in place because I didn’t have a proper harness and rocked stock seatbelts.
Andrew ran 180SX fronts, Motul RBF600, Hawk HP+ pads on a caged car with coilovers and R compounds. He did not fade, or boil on Shannonville. This is important because he runs much stickier tires than me, and generally pushes his car a lot harder.
Adam ran Z32 fronts, stock rears, with HT10 front pads and either HP+ or Blues in the rear. This is on a racecar with r comps, and a bajillion horsepower.
As for fading on the street, never happened. I’ve boiled the fluid on the G once or twice, but that was it, and I was doing some VERY innapropriate driving at the time.

The other thing that bothers me about ahmed, is the fact that no matter how much reasoning and facts people throw at him, he stubbornly sticks by what he said, and never for one second considers that he has no education, skills, or experience on his side. He does not have a degree even remotely relating to automotive performance, he has not built any race/track cars, or raced cars. His only sources are other forums, and his dad’s Taurus.

maaannnn. i have seen tons of posts claiming you have things done to your car. which u clearly dont. that my problem. so why dont u hoop ur forehead.
if i wasnt at work id take the time to pin point each and everyone of ur fuck ups.


stick to writing your phonie articles


I just love how ahmed mentions the same shit in every post.

i.e Lies and bullshit we make up about him.

And if I recall correctly, you were the one who started with the name calling. Calling me an idiot, etc.