Just so you guys know...a_ahmed is back.

a 15 dollar outer tie end, damn no edit

^lol I’ll take that as a compliment, it comes with time as you write news and magazine articles. The Internets are a big fail though.

Mark can’t you just give up your immaturity and start acting your age a little now? You’ve grown up…? What’s the point? It’s one thing to be funny with a joke or two but this is not even high school funny, you’re being too much. Even now you’re acting like a little kid pumped up on anti-depressants. Calm down.

You think holding a different opinion, experience or suggestion however lightly or strongly of it someone believes needs to be insulted until they submit to your stance. This is regardless of issues, be it brakes or otherwise. You’re running an HLSD also. That was also ‘track only’ for you. Pretty much everything is track only for you until you get it, have it, experience it and boast about it.

If someone from their point of experience believed stock brakes sucked, maybe it’s because of a reason and their experience reaching the limits of the brakes before you ever had to know they are not so great, needing something better.

To stop in daily traffic you can stop with anything quite frankly, otherwise it wouldn’t make it out of production due to basic safety. This is suppose to be a sports car and from that standpoint the stock brakes do suck and are outdated by today’s car standards. Obviously most of us are owning these cars for a different purpose than daily driving for groceries, otherwise should really sell the car and get a grocery getter as its a waste of a car.

You went to great extents to humiliate, insult and propagate your viewpoints and in turn be a hypocrite. No matter what excuses now you try to say oh yeah stock brakes are great, fact is no they are not and thats why you went to something better.

And if 300zx brakes are so great and so unecessary as well, why didn’t you just go to them instead of wilwoods as they are cheaper to maintain? Maybe because they too fade and have some other issues. So again, proves that maybe just maybe stock brakes suck, 300zx brakes are not ‘too much’ as wilwoods are ‘over the top too much’.

Otherwise if you’re such a chump you would go back to stock brakes and go out there drive your car around, but they do suck…if they were so great you would still be running them, as you used to preach they are more than enough for even track. Went to Q45s and then preached on how 300zx brakes are totally unnecessary again which is totally ridiculous in contrast now.

Just because you don’t have something doesn’t mean it is unnecessary or not worth it or not good. Maybe someone out there has tried something longer or differently than you have.

Be more open minded and more mature, maybe just maybe you will learn something and maybe just maybe you will actually respect somebody or anybody for once for that matter unlike a little kid who just gets hyper and makes immature insults.

Spreading lies will not make you funny.

“Do i need a brake booster?” Do you even know what I asked? Running manual brakes as opposed to powered brakes. It was just a question if anyone has done it, and a few have.

15dollar outer tie rods? Are you kidding me? Again spreading lies to insult.

I got z33 inner tie rods and all spl arms. Just waiting on some bits before I swap in the new subframe and spindles.

lol your just full of recycled info.

no no no…u asked if u need to run a brake booster u got flamed for it.

No no no, you’re full of shit and a liar as well :wink: Didn’t your mother teach you lying is not nice?

I asked whether anyone is running non boosted brakes on an s chassis car. There’s a huge difference in linguistics right there buddy. Twisting what I said, what I meant, what I wanted and what I asked. It’s called LYING.

Yes a few jumped as they had no clue what I was talking about, but someone mature answered me. Key to failure is getting involved in a discussion where you are not helping and instead insulting due to your lack of knowledge or experience.

I want to do a strut tower to firewall brace so I pretty much figured I’d have clearance issues… brake n clutch cylinders are in the way… especially the booster as it takes up most of the space. I pretty much figured going about doing this right would be with a full tilton setup, which is what someone mentioned.

It’s just that there is always someone that has something to say opposite to just insult the other person whether they are right or wrong.

I just wanted to hear some varied experiences and opinions not a similitude of emotional diarrhea and lack of experience. I got my answer from someone mature. That is all.

How old are you anyways? Because I’m sure most people would think that you’re at most 17 years old.

Can you quote me on the HLSD comment? I do not remember that. And I don’t think I said that would be track only. And I don’t boast about anything, I recommend them to people based on my experiences.

That’s just stupid. I remember some kid posting about how stock 240 brakes sucked as he just put on new pads and rotors and he noticed that they were “glowing” shortly after. His brakes were being broken in but he didn’t even know it.

So instead of preaching to everyone that they NEED 300zx brakes, give them info on how to get a good and fairly affordable setup. It’s like telling someone who wants 230whp at MOST to just go get a gt30 turbo and 1000cc injectors.

Wow look who’s talking now. Aren’t you a hypocrite yourself if you have all these “expensive” parts on your car but you never take it to the track regularly, or have you even taken it to the track? As far as I have known, since last year, you were constantly “building” your car and it was only used as a mean of transport.

How are the stock 240 brakes outdated by today’s standards? Go look at some of the new cars and report back to me as to what kind of brakes they have. And please don’t go look at exotic sports cars.

And I never said that the stock 240 brakes are GREAT. I said that the 180sx brakes are a great upgrade and more than enough for most people. See? My views haven’t changed.

You can understand english right? How many times do I have to say that 300zx brakes are not NEEDED. It all depends on what you are going to use your car for. I highly doubt that most people here can fade a properly working set of 300zx brakes at the track. And if they do, there’s a chance that they put in a shitty fluid and/or did not do something correctly.

To begin with, I will tell you that we have very few 240s that even come out to the track. Most people here do not track their cars to the point where they will need 300zx brakes. Most 240s that track their cars are into drift. And when you’re drifting, stock brakes with a good set of pads and fluid should be good enough. Upgrading to a 180sx or Q45 brake upgrade might even be a little overkill for that purpose.

If anyone disagrees with me, just feel free to bash me. You can’t learn anything if you’re always right.

just cuz u read up on the net. doesnt make u a tuner. i have worked in a shop for three years i have two years of auto tech classes.
plus i dont care if u have z32 inners and spl parts woooooopd shit. i may doing this i may be doing that. stop talking and do it…


  1. Do not impersonate other individuals or falsely represent yourself.

  2. Posting under secondary usernames or alias user names other than your main account for the purpose of arguing, degrading or belittling other readers is grounds for having your posting privileges revoked.

There really should also be two clauses added in:
1.) Re-registering after your main account has been banned, is grounds for a ban.
2.) Being a_ahmed, is grounds for a ban.

sil8t, what relavence does you working at a shop and lying about me have anything to do with each other. You lied to insult me, I just answered with facts correcting your lies.

That’s good that you’re a tech now, congratz, but don’t lie or insult me.

lol u insult ur self. my point is why post saying your gonna do something to your car. are u hoping that all the 15 year old boys will wanna ride in your car.???
ps candy is cheap


rogerthat240, are you here and now denying that you previously registered on this forum under the name a_ahmed?


That is pure gold. +10 rep for Antonnio.

I have Q45 brakes on my car and have been to many lapping days. I do not have issues with fading and I am using R Comps and I do brake hard. In my opinion Q45s can be setup to brake just as well as 300zx. I will be happy to show you at MTDs lapping days.

Q45 brakes, 300zx brakes, 180sx brakes, and the Wilwoods all have the same stopping power in my opinion. In the end, it’s all about which one can handle the most heat when you really start to push it.

I think that the 300zx brakes would last slightly longer over the Q45s before the fluid boils. Most people just get 300zx brakes for the look in my opinion.

^^^^^ no no u need 6 pods. and a 1jz with a gt42r.
oh if anyone wants to be my friend i may cage my car.

Oh god… another brake thread full of misinformation…

Silly people.

Just go back to stock brakes then.

There was no need to be an insulting hoe, an asshole spreading lies and rumors, mockery and bullshit followed and supplemented by minions who probably are giggling like school girls at anything that’s said without letting me speak my mind thoroughly or even defend my logic. Being deliberately provocative to entice me and make me look bad. Very immature.

Everything I’ve ever stated I’ve stated with good intention and with certain reasoning and logic based on my and other people’s experiences. Everyone has different expectations that is the key difference. Like you said for ‘drifters’ stock brakes and q45 brakes are more than enough, so what, I was always anti-drift. As a matter of fact couple of years ago when I talked about lapping, grip with s chassis cars, it was sacrilegious and i was mocked and a mad man. You’ve done it, established it locally for everyone, congratulation, still doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole though.

I love our cars, that’s why i didn’t replace my car, and instead will turn it into a track only car. I have two daily cars as well. I just have high expectations of our cars.

You technically don’t need a 240 or a sports car, but you want it and have it. And you technically don’t need anything different on a 240 if you already own one, it’s all about wanting something better, and once you try something better of course you’ll want to run something better yourself.

The criterion in my logic is always to make the car better, you do have to pay to play.

People wouldn’t be running 300zx brakes if they were useless over stock brakes. It’s not for looks. Also Nissan Japan probably didn’t do it for looks on the newer generation silvias either. If its looks you’re after might as well get ebay caliper fake big brake covers lol.

You think that just because on son240 there is one norm, that automatically it’s the best thing in the world. The reasoning my logic and reasoning is as it is, is because I’ve been on other international forums as well gathering ideas and thoughts of what other people have done and are doing. Plus the fact that the 240 is not the only sports car I might have owned or driven. I love cars in general.

Also anyone can take any car to the track, anything, it’s just a closed and safe environment to push one’s car to the limit. Tracking a car doesn’t make a car better or worse. I respect the fact you’ve gone to more track days than I have now and that now you are even running track events for the son240 forum. But there’s no need for continuing assholery, belittling or condescending behavior.

I mean it’s like if one guy jumps the next guy jumps like lemmings, grow up guys.

Honestly, we should be more friendly in general and just enjoy our cars.

I stand by what plans I’ve had with my car in the past and the expectations I have of it. I will do whatever I said I would and I’m slowly achieving it, I’m not some rich spoiled kid, so it takes me time. I work hard for everything I do and I honestly can’t wait to put the car back on the road to take it to the track and have some fun. I have no other purpose for this car except to enjoy it’s sporty character I want to build out of it.

I would enjoy my time with you guys no doubt if I came to your track events and even share some knowledge and discoveries unique to our cars, but what’s the point if you just stomp over any opinion or fact I may state, thinking you are the only norm for s chassis cars, or cars in general, it’s either your way or the highway. Pretty lame and unfriendly.

Only difference between you and I is expectation. That is the key difference. Otherwise anything with four wheels is good enough on the road.

I only paid 800$ for the car all beaten up when I first got it. I had fun putting it back together and upgrading it. It gives you a certain joy to see a car grow just as lil kid. That is all.