just want to know what's better Auto or Manual for a 240sx fastback

they made wikipedia for a reason

I wish I had the link to the pic of Gonad…

auto 240sx’s have paddle shifting lol
but seriously in general terms autos tend to be in better condition… less abused than manual… do a swap after.

Thank you for a good answer :slight_smile:

Auto is better. The human hand cannot shift as fast as the automatic tranny can. It’s just humanly impossible.

and the auto is better for drags it has better gear`s like it will go 60-70 at most in frist if you manually shift it and a manual goes what about 40?i think

Not to hate or anything… but are you saying this because you can’t drive manual… or are you being serious… :shock::stone:

just throw away your transmission and put a driveshaft from ur crank to ur diff therefore u wont have to decide and btw a stock 240 nowadays will be lucky to put out 110 hp

Auto if tuned = faster
Manual = more fun

End of story

Auto also has more powertrain loss, so you’ll get less whp.

Auto 240s also tend to be in much better shape, so those who buy an auto and swap over what needs to be swapped tend to be smarter (given the fact the chassis is also in good shape) but its a 50/50 choice, an auto could now a days be crappy conditioned as well.

Also having a manual won’t make you a faster or better driver, you’ll still be pussy slow in an auto if you’re pussy slow in a manual.

Auto transmissions also tend to be used in drag racing, as mark noted, computer vs you, you = fail.

and someone said a KA is 140-150whp, yeah in your pipe dreams. That’s more like a stock SR… close enough anyways. KAs have nice torque but they tend to be around the 120whp mark if you’re lucky. With some bolts and such maybe you’ll reach 140whp, intake, exhaust, a dif cam, timing change, yeah… People have managed 180whp with boltons and tuning but thats not stock. There ARE dyno proven 200whp KAs running around now a days… but that shit is hardcore and not just not worth it cost vs benefit. (open exhaust=loud, lots of smoke, crazies, etc…)

Automatic transmission of the 240’s = shit
theres always something that fuks up with them.

Get a manual … It will save u the trouble of swapping auto to manual and the hunt for all the 5 speed parts.

LoL You auto-tranny bashers. I’ll enjoy eat my cheeseburger while pulling on you thank you very much.

LOL ^^^ true. And stiky i can drive manual. Can you?

Yeah I can actually thank you very much lol.

I believe there was an equation for calculating crank-to-wheel horsepower. If the KAde was putting out 155 at the wheels then it would be roughly 131.9 whp. My KA runs pretty well but it sure as hell doesnt feel like 131… more like a modest 120ish.

oops when i said putting out 155 at the “wheels” i meant “crank” fucking edit option decided to go on hiatus.

Automatics have their place and so do manuals. But when I say that, I mean MODERN automatics, the antiquated piece of crap fitted to these cars belongs in only one place, the scrapyard. It makes sense to buy an auto, but only to get a cleaner car, to eventually swap to a manual.

autos are for fast cars
Sticks are for fast drivers :wink:

this thread stresses me out.

lol ^^^ y dose it stresses u out :S