top speed

Just somethign I wanted to find out…

What is the top speed of a stock KA24DE on a '91 with Automatic transmission?

You see “a friend” of mine was driving on “a private roadway” away from other vehicles and tried to push his car to the limit. He then realised that the limit was higher than the 180km/h on the speedo ( actually at 180 the car seems to sink into the last gear. Overdrive? I dunno since I am not that experienced when it comes to this ). So he was just wondering what the top speed is like on a stock 13yr old engine with 200k+ kms.

Let just say that if its much greater than the 200km/h that the needle would imply when on the white part of the km-counter, then he would rather someone just tell him instead of trying to find out for himself.


it should be about 180, the speedo on 240sx’s are off near the top end, there is a fuel cut out right at 180 so he cant be going much past that if its stock.


its been discussed before…

and honestly who the hell cares how fast ur car goes iligaly.