Auto or not to Auto... Question?

I’m having a real conflict of heart here guys, and I need some input… I have a choice of a High km s14 with a manual tranny and a low km s14 with an Auto… I want manual but either way its getting an SR heart beat with a 5 speed.

What do you think I should do? What one should i go for? How hard is it (and what’s involved) to conv. auto to manual when the SR gets transplanted?


go with the better chassis. get underneath it, or put them on hoists to figure it out.

I can 100% tell you the automatic has a beautiful under carriage. Its mint and looks as its its never seen salt, dust, dirt or even a road. So with the out of the way… Now what?

get the cleaner car

I’m leaning toward that but how much extra work is involved to convert to manual wit the SR? like bringing the clutch in and shit like that? what extra parts are invovled?

if you buy a sr i could come with the 5 speed tranny most of the time

if you get a 1/2 cut SR S14, it’ll have everything you need, except the driveshaft, sometimes they will include this…

If you get the auto, you’ll have to swap the brake & clutch pedals as well as the other stuff don’t forget. Been done many times on here I think though so you should be fine either way realistically.

Another option to consider is to look for (or wait for) a nice S14 5-speed SR that is for sale, you might even end up saving time & money.

Good luck.

P.S. Why does it always seem the 5-speed’s rust out faster?? :lol:

the 5spd swap is not hard. It took me and a couple friends 2 days to do it and thats because the damn pilot bushing took 5+ hours and lining up the tranny took 5+ hours as well. We did it with like on rachet set and a couple of screwdrivers ect. so with if we found the easy way to get the pilot bushing out like we did after 5 hours and you can line up the tranny it shouldnt be hard. we had the car on jackstands also. ended up costing me about $300 or so

The auto will cost a bit more $ as you will need more parts. Most parts are easy to get, e.g. clutch pedal w/ mounting brackets are about $70 from Nissan, and you can use your auto brake pedal (just have to cut it to size). The only part that will be hard to get is the driveshaft (unless you get a SR motor clip that comes with it). S13 driveshafts are easy to get, but the S14 driveshafts can be hard to find.

My recommendation, get the cleaner car. I would rather spend a bit more on parts for the 5 speed swap, than to get my under body worked on.

Here check these links out:

Here’s one for the SR swap: