Just when I thought I couldn't respect mayor Bloomberg any less

It was the exact same thing after Katrina. Deploying troops on US soil is very delicate ground, as it should be, so the national guard can’t start helping until the mayor of the city gives them the green light.

Never let a good disaster go to waste. What a perfect opportunity to condition US citizens to seeing Feds with guns in their neighborhood.

I guess the question is why the hell wouldn’t Bloomberg give them the green light? With all the looting reported it’s pretty obvious NYPD weren’t up to the task.

Fox News just showed pissed off black people in NYC because they are getting no help. It kind of reminds me of Katrina at this point. Obama is campaigning like a madman while people are suffering in the cold.
Side note: they also talked about how CBS had video for 6 weeks which proved Obama is lying about Benghazi(sp).

Shocker. On both counts.

Do you think they paid the blacks to act mad? FAUXNEWS?

No, but it’s not exactly hard to find black people acting angry at a camera for at basically any situation. It’s harder to find this newsworthy.

Said he’d be ready for the run sunday, but what about the Election tuesday?

And with the U.S. presidential election today, New York City’s mayor was asked if the city would be ready for it. “I have absolutely no idea,” Michael Bloomberg said.


Lol it gets better… No more food donations! Cuz we can’t monitor they’re salt and fat contents! You can’t make this up