Just when i thought my problems were behind me

i had hybrid do some repairs on my car a few weeks ago which included a new downpipe, fix radiator and switch exhaust manifold gasket which all turned out great.

well jump to today; i went out to find out what was ratteling when i am reving at 2k rpm’s and i hear that my turbo manifold is leaking exhaust again at the head. so im like shit cause its a real pain to tighten the bolts on the manifold cause they are stupid hard to get at. so i start tightening and then all the sudden i hear a ping and the stud starts turning. well the stud broke in half leaving part of it in the head. which might have ended up being what was ratteling due to me havin a stiffer motor mount (it shake everything). so i swapped that out and put the stock mount back in and now i got to go to hybrid for more repairs yay!!:cry:

man. that sucks.

Well, the good news is since you broke it while tightening it you should be able to get it out with an ez-out if you can’t get a hold of it with vise grips.

It’s when you break one off while trying to remove it, and the snapped off part is rusted/fused to the head that it’s a real problem.

quit your bitching and go fix it

:tdown: that sux man.

no i cant get a hold of it, it broke like inside the head

ez out.

or just jb weld?
