Just when you think lowlifes can't get any lower...

Akron/ Clarence donated a semi full of clothes and food. The truck fuel was paid for by the driver, Mr C*** ( a friend of mine) the traielr was donated by Perry’s Ice Cream of Akron… there was a day long wait to even get to an unloading station… cars upon cars were in line trying to donate this stuff. The only people doing any work were the volunteers… not evacuees. I know from people with first hand experience… the people getting the help aren’t helping themselves and it kills me. Only because friends and family have wasted time/money to help these people. I have donated, but they were not cash donations. I refuse to give these people cash. I can’t imagine what MrC*** was thinking when he saw a limited amount of poeple available to unload and direct the donation drop off… he of course couldn’t leave his truck… it probably would have been looted… but the people wearing the clothes (most of which were brand new) were too busy sorting through it looking for name brands, items they haven’t stolen from Walmart yet…
