k stupid question

i kno s13 redtop and blacktop have the same specs the only diff is the valve cover…so y when i go for a ride with buddys with blacktops they feel alot faster then buddys with redtops?? and no its not boost or anything like that all my buddys that have an sr have the same setup, koyo rads, greddy intercoolers and uped boost all are runnin 14-15 psi same boost gauge the only diff is tires but all are sport tires z rated same size??? we all agree that the blacks feel faster anyone notice the same thing??

Maybe they’re using S14 blacktops…those have a different turbo I believe. (T28 instead of the T25) and make more power stock.

no notch tops all s13’s very strange?

Yeah man that is pretty strange, maybe one of their motors isn’t running right, or the other one is oddly fast like Varun’s stockish setup. lol

any motor can loose some kick after time and a blacktop is a newer gen motor… who knows maybe the redtop just has higher miliage (ive got a few friends with cavys and some feel faster then others…)
it could just be the driver aswell… shifting 500rpm faster or slower can make a diff…

i dunno mang…

different turbos your right they are t25 on a red top and t28 on blacktop but the turbo isnt actually that much bigger and sometimes the engines have alot of difference is kim`s on them that could do it to

na man same turbo both s13. but time and kms and break ins could be the reason kollo man i wanted that power brace but u had to go and sell it i should have scooped it that day

anyone dyno a stock s13 what was the turnout??

^ SR or KA ?

??? what do u think
sr20det s13

Probably around 175whp I’d say.