K20power's not so K20 powered Coupe

Looks sick Joey. Can’t wait to see it out.


I hope so!

They are already on there, it came like that. This was at one point a 650+whp LS-Vtec race car. The fuel tank, inline Walbro, & lines are all brand new from that guy. The guy I got it from had bought it from him as a shell. I also got a brand new Bosch 044 fuel pump. Just going to save that for when I eventually go bigger.

cool, i was gonna say dont waste the money if you are investing your own cash into it.

Sick, gl with the build

i like it. would have gone 35r but thats just me

go HTA

go TFO :lol

sick joey, sweet build. should be a fun ass car for this season.

looks like this thing will move… ill have to catch a ride in this thing one night!

350whp is gonna be EASY to make. probably will do that at 12-13psi.

880’s wtf

They’ll be fiiiiiiiine

what did you pay for the 880’s?

Cheap from a guy in Poughkeepsie, which is why I jumped on 'em.

good deal.

I can’t beleive you got rid of your K swap for this…the shell is nice dont get me wrong but your K would have made 350 with a turbo kit with out even sweating…you had a some what rare swap for the area anyway…now your just another b series turbo guy…nice shell but I think you should have kept the K

Nah this things way cooler. The 4dr was cool for a little while but this car looks so much better

gotta switch it up every now and then… cant keep the same thing and i think this coupe is way nicer than the 4dr i dont know if its the color or wat but this thing is sweet!!!