K20Powerz' K Series build > *

75k here and looked amazing clean as hell!!!

ok guys relax, nothing’s cleaner than a brand new motor getting torn down…

to much NAWZ

Actually it was the tune, which triggered the 10 spark plus to blow and fuck up the motor…

How come these muscle cars can run a 100,150,200, or even a 300 shot and not blow plugs? Or even these other K Series guys that run 80, 90, 100, 120 shots and run 100%…Maybe I’m missing something.


these guys use race gas. like you were recommended as well. but we wont go there.

Wrong. I know of 2 guys that run a 90 and the other runs a 100 shot and both run 93 octane. Oh, I wasn’t recommended until after the first 4 plugs were gone…

i dont even want to get into it. you know as well as i do. cold dense air = lean. and if you dont have the adaptive settings programmed on your kpro it wont compensate. and lean = detonation… race gas supresses detonation as we all know. thats why its recommended. morgan cant be blamed. the tune worked fine. but as the tempurature dropped you ran into these issues… its live and learn

From the looks of the piston/cylinder walls…it wasn’t from that night…

it doesnt take much to score a cylinder wall. i had a motor crack a ring and slap for about 3 seconds and it scored it pretty bad.

6000+rpms and any thing is going to scrape that wall tard

was the comp adaptive in the k-pro or was it fixed??? as far as timing tables and shit

fixed, we’ve gone through this before though

im sure morgan tuned it pretty conservative 11.5 and up AFR. A change in air temp is not going to affect it that much that it would go lean. I never liked the use of the ecu to add fuel anyways. Just tune the car all motor and then work with the fogger system the way its designed and used by most v8 guys. :smile

then how did the tune know it was sprayin and not it needs to retard timing not keep it the same as im sure ya know did hetune it for it

Thats what I said too… yank 2* for every 50hp… I would have run a wet kit to ensure proper fuel delivery also, and race gas on spray for an extra precaution

i agree there. 100% wet shot with fuel and nitrous jets… joe had his setup like a dry shot in the end, with fuel coming in through the injectors… i dont like that idea one bit.

but it works if done right …my first stage on my 93 camaro was done like that and at a 150 hitya gotta retard the timing

i know how nitrous works. but im not really digging that idea. maybe all motor plus nitrous you could get away with it, but boost + nitrous wouldnt work well that way.

no you are rright but if the tune was done right it should of been fine on 93 thats what i ran on the dry kit and race in the second stage so i didnt pull a ton of timing


there is a whole lot of this going on.