KA Cams, S13 -> S14

As the post says I have some question about a swap of S13 cams into an s14 KA, I heard this little jem from a guy who I’ll leave nameless. As he puts it u can grab some extra HP from the more aggressive S13 Cams.

My two main questions are, has anyone done this and what is the realistic outcome?

And does anyone know a good website for S13 and S14 engine specs, or just quote me a already answered post!

Thanks everyone


The engine specs are the same, the s13 cams just open the intake and exhaust valves a few more degrees (longer duration) allowing more combustion to take place (i believe, dont quote me on it), which is where the little extra comes from.

But from your research that seems to be a postitive? I’m just looking for the drive to try this!

Thanks alot


There will be a gain top end by using the 91 s13 cams (248/248 I believe)

Anyways, it’s been covered multiple times, I’ll try to find a link for you tomorrow.

thanks! i would appreciate that greatly!

I put the s13 cams in my 95 KA-t engine and droped my 1/4 from 14.7 to 14.3. I was haveing some turbo issues that day so the times prob should have been better. But the s13 cams did help.

Here is my understanding of the whole Cam deal

S13 KA24DE vs S14 KA24DE

S13 butterfly valves in the intake
S14 no butterflys in the intake
S14 head was changed slightly to give it more strength (not somthing you will notice from looking but after reasearching the engines Nissan did make changes to the head to make it stronger)

Cams - The S14 KA24DE cams were made with less lobe duration to increase smooth idle and to make city driving easier. The whole power gain from my understanding comes from the fact that the S14 dose not have the butterfly valves these are one of the reasons the S13 cams do have a higher duration. By putting the S13 cams into the S14 you are compensating for valves that are not actualy there and as a result you gain some power. The only drawbacks are that you will prolly have a little rougher idle but that dose not seem like such a biggy. I might be wrong but this is what I have learned.

Sounds like i’ll do the swap and let everyone interested know what the outcome is… thanks for the info!


Couldn’t find the link, sorry.

Here is some more information though.

S13 cams: intake 240, exhaust 248
S14 cams: intake 232, exhaust 232

So as you can see, the s13 cams are slightly more aggresive.

Let us know how the car feels afterwards…


Here is a site that might help:
