Ka-t, 2jz and RB26 engine build

^^ calm down shooter mcgavin!!! lol

just because u have a 2JZ doesnt mean shit and yes i can talk shit about it as i have the same thing…LOL dont come here and think ur king because of it…if thats the case then stay the fuck out

excuse my french :slight_smile:

i still love u :slight_smile: lol just dont be an asshole about having something else a lot of others dont because u can still lose to an SR,RB,Ka or even a Honda so stay off the high chair :slight_smile:

Acidz, you’re totally wrong. Anyone who has a 2JZ (including you) in a 240sx is pretty much unbeatable. R1s, C6 Z06s, R35 GTR’s are all breakfast. NOTHING is faster than a 2JZ 240sx.

However, the thing I hate most when it comes to telling other people about your 1/4 mile times are excuses.

I always hear the same shit. Oh yeah, I ran a 12.5 but I had bald tires all around, I had a baby in the backseat, my wrist was sore so I couldn’t shift quickly, blah blah blah, yada yada yada.

That’s really stupid in my opinion. If you had to make a presentation in front of a lot of people, would you NOT prepare for it? So if you’re gonna go to the track, don’t make any excuses.

you guys are ridiculous i havent said shit about my 2jz 240.everything i have said was about my old s13 with a turbo KA. especially you acidz should not even come on here talking shit.as far as im concerned you are a disgrace… how the fuck you have a (hybrid) 2jz in a 240 and run a slower time than a stock supra … lol see yall punks at the track.fowball youre right i dont want excuses i want RESULTS… so lets do this!

i`m off this wack ass thread!!

Such modesty, and manners worthy of the royal court. No wonder you guys are so popular!

wow this thread went to the shit’s pretty quick…lol

wow I was just jokin to get some action on this thread and now it turned out to be a warzone…hahaha
I cant disrespect the SR’s, I have lots of friends with them. I just hate seeing a turbo motor not being pushed to its potential or being pushed at all. Time and time I hear my SR buddies say how they lost to this and that and i keep telling them, TURN UP THE BOOST…hahah.

Anyways, for those looking to upgrade to T3 or T4 turbos, there is a triple ball bearing turbo released now. Check out www.compturbo.com for details.

I know!!! lol, I posted a pix of my gold tranny and no body said anything!!! ALL they want to do is fight. lol.

NO MORE FIGHTING!!! know Flame me about my gold tranny. lol. .

why gold?


gold tranny to match the brass balls =D

Mr.K… Yea!!! I was trying to remember his name all day to day. Top secret “SMOKEY Nagata” that is were I got the idea from.

LOL nice goldmember pic LOL

I think a
team draggone VS. team mischeif

touge is order…

are you guys still mischeivious?

Good idea!! something fun for the board!! Teams vs Teams… always good

cut the chitter chatter… GO on PINKS and take some cars away…LOL

It’s about time someone step up to the plate!!! we are down for it. So what are we talking about here, drag? How many cars in your crew? And what kind of cars?

S13GG, I take my hat off to you for stepping up and not quoting shit from FNF.

We will setup a track day.


I can not waite to get my T67 http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/4935/picture239ya7.th.jpg


http://www.compturbo.com/ The prices we get are cheaper.

Is there anyone from Team Mischief still here? I never see Greg, Bob, Andrew, and that guy with the weird looking FC anymore, and I doubt Sasha is still in it. Who else was in TM?

Omar with his Porsche. I Believe they circuit/drift more than drag no?

yeah I’m not a team mishceif member…

if anything I would be a team dangerous member, where you need to have been charged with dangerous driving (my lawyer got it withdrawn) to join, no poseurs or hardparkers.

as opposed to team micheif where mischeif is no prerequisit