KA24DE into a 72 240z good idea?

well like the title says i have a 72 240z and the original engine is giving me alll sorts of trouble . I also have a parts car 92 s13 hatch with aaalll the parts.

is it possible to take the drive train from the S13 and put it in the S30? any of you guys have experience with a swap like this?.. i’ll take a pic of the engine bay so you can see where im coming from I already bought a bunch of new OEM parts for the I-6 2.4 on the datsun but my mechanic says" the starter is moving too slow" is that even possible?

also some random wires were crossed around the distributor area. and i payed him to put it right but he butched it hard/.

www.hybridz.com , the place for all 240z swaps. but to answer your question yes, it has been done many times. sr20’s, v8’s, rb and jz stright 6’s, you name it. everything except the kitchen sink has been thown in to one of these cars at one point or another.

any pics of your ride? love z cars.

edit: fixed the link


Why not just put a sr20det in there? Nvm I just read that you have a parts car…

But I dunno I dont think it would be worth it to put a ka24 you should be taking them out not putting them in…

yea my car needs some jesus but its ok family works at bodyshop and birthday gift is all the bodywork :wink: but i gotta do engine and interior. i’ll snap a pic tomorrow
its got MSA widebody,front lip and fin spoiler.
and some 5 random Chevoit or ATS 5 spoke rims.


^Exactly. S30’s with KA-T’s are badass. Look how far back that sits too. :slight_smile:

I say since you already have the KA, drop it in, then turbo it later. Go to hybridz.com for all your swap info, and then ka-t.org for the forced induction related research.

This is only if you know your current engine is going to the shitter and it is not worth rebuilding or replacing.

i did some research…not a good idea, i woud need
custome made front cross member
custom engine mounts
custome driveshaft
pay to re-wire the whole car.

anybody got an idea on how much this would cost? …im already think alot more than it would cost to fix the stock engine :frowning:

any engine is going to require custom mounting in a Z. there is no getting around that. the beauty with these cars is that just about anything fits in the engine bay. swap possibilities are almost endless. just a matter of what you wanna spend. check the link i posted. all the info you will ever need is there.


oh and it would not cost much if you can mod your front k member and make you own mounts yourself. also you will need a fuel pump and a fuel return line as your car will now be fuel ingected. it should not be hard to wire up the car to make it work.


http://forums.hybridz.org/ this is the proper link

Vildini motorsports sells a crossmember to mount this engine into the car. You need a custom trans mount, and a driveshaft and a bit of time wiring up gauges. It’s not a hard swap. I was going to do it before I had a mass exodus selling off all my cars.