nope didnt touch it, used carb cleaner… only thing i had that dries clean… intake cleaner… could i use penetrating lube? or any combustible spray?
where should i check for these leaks?
I have the same problem, except when I am driving it doesn’t stay smooth, the engine will keep losing rpm and power and makes the ride VERY jerky, and shakes and raddles, and it (the engine) even dies on me if I stop the car, or allow the rpm to drop. I don’t know what is wrong with the car…
well now i have the new gas tank in with a new fuel pump… goin to put some fresh gas in and see if anything changes…
fuckin hell! so i diagnosed it back to the ignition wire that i temporarily fixed fucked off on me again! well gotta replace them now… should fix it!
Just run to shitty tire, buy the high tension wires from champion, theyre dirt cheap and will help you a hundred times over… if that doesn’t work then its the MAF, TPS (happened to my old ka) or your timing may be running insanely advnaced or retarted (happened to me too) and all of these things caused it to run like yours. It may even be a vacuum leak as well. Is the CEL on by any chance as well? If you can find a scanner… yes i said scanner (take it to a local shop, slip them like $20-40 to hook it up), see what codes your motor is throwing, that’s the easiest and most accurate way by far to see whats wrong and well worth it unless your car is an 89-90 swapped with a ka24de then it will not work.
Partsource will scan your car for free…
FIXED!!! its was a bad injector on cylinder #1… i like how simple these engines are…
i have consult… get it… it helps diagnose stuff.
where do i get it from?
ebay … thats where i got mines from … very handy!
now i just need some torque specs…