engine problem

the other day i started while driving the engine started idlinging around 1100 while i was stopped at a red light, soon after the engine would start shaking the car really badly and the engine died. I cranked the engine over again and it started but as soon as i realeased the clutch the engine would die again. i pushed the car into a loblaws parking lot and waited about 20 minutes and started the engine again. started driving no problems just a high idle for about 10 minutes then the exhast would backfire with a serioulsy loud bang and the engine would not rev beyond 3k rpm in neutral or while driving. then the engine would die and start by itself all the while constantly backfiring and shaking like crazy. I think that the engline is misfiring in one cylinder but i could be wrong. any suggestions as to how to diagnose this problem would be greatly appreciated.

mass air flow meter, or vaccum leak

inspect the intake for leaks between the throttle body and the MAFS. This sounds like my old beaters issue. If you see a crack in the rubber portion of the intake wrap it enough times with electrical tape. I did mine with red tape and it made the car so much faster. lol w/e works i didnt care about my beater other than it ran strong

i checked and the vacum and the maf looks okay however i’m noticing now that the ehaust is spewing fuel out so i really think that one of the cylinders is miss firing i can hear a ticking noise comming from one of the cylinders the one under the oil cap so i guess i’ll try and replace the spark plug to see if that helps other wise i’ll see if any one’s selling a complete ka24de motor and tranny cause my tranny’s shot to shit.

i would check plugs, wires, and dizzy cap.

and are you sure its gas comming out of the tail pipe? cause normally the car is supposed to spit out some water. like what you learn in chemistry, complete combustion = H20 and C02.

is this KA or SR?
if it’s SR, check the ignition coil packs

Unplug the MAF. If nothing else this should give you a half-decent idle. I’d suspect your MAF needs a cleaning, since it won’t rev past 3,000.

If you have fuel coming out the exhaust and not just condensation + rich exhaust smell, a fuel injector may be stuck in the open position and is just hosing fuel into the motor.

Try and keep the motor running. If you have a mechanic’s stethoscope, listen to each injector with the car running. They should all click quite audibly. If one isn’t clicking, it’s stuck.

If they seem to be clicking, but there is a raw fuel issue, take out the spark plugs one at a time. See if any of them are wet with fuel.

Whichever cylinder is wet, unplug the fuel injector harness connector. Fire it back up. If it runs the same as it did before, you’ve got a stuck injector. Without a connection, the injector should get no signal to open. If it’s stuck open, it will stay open whether or not there’s an electrical signal.

My money is still on the MAF though.

thanks i pulled the maf and she wont rev past 3000k but with the maf in she’ll go past 3k but she hesitates before 3000 then shes fine i’m going to pull the injectors and give her a try. we’ll see if that’s the problem.

an easier way to check if injectors are working would be to use a digtal voltage gauge thing and see if each injector puts out 11 ohms i think it is. and to unplug and connect directly to battery to see if they click.

so i’ve finally gone through all the checks and one of the spark plugs has fuel on it. i put the plug back in a fired up the engine and removed the harness for the fuel injector of that particular cylinder. The engine still runs the same so this would lead me to believe that the injector is stuck open. however i’m going to try and find a used dizzy cap and wires and a injector for sale and try and put this in.

Check for spark on the lead for the cylinder you’re suspecting. It it’s firing, save yourself the cash and just toss a new injector at it.

got spark going to throw another injector in soon. hopefully that’ll get this thing going soon.

now i’m totally pissed at this engine…why cant it be the spring so i can do a swap already… i’ve replaced everything to the injectors to the cap and rotor and the wires car still runs like ass cylinder number 3 doesn’t fire…now i need a distributor any one know where i can find another one?