
ok i have been lookign at kawa sport bikes for a while and now its either out of a 636 or the new 650r this will be my first bike i just wondered what u ppl thougth i should do i like the look of the 636 way more then the 650 but the 650 is suppoesed to be a better starter do you guys think i could handel a 636 startign off
o yea im like 6foot 210




Being that your 45 years old, I think its goingto be up to what ever feels comfortable to you to ride first, and then if you have the self control with the wrist.

You are going to get 30 different answers from everyone about it doesn;t matter, go small, take the MSP first, etc but I really feel it boils down to personallity and maturity.

I purchased my first street bike On July first. It was a Kawasaki ZX-12R. I was told I’d kill my self, its too big, you’ll be ok, ETC.

4200 Miles later I’m still here. I’m also still learning and not pushing it to the extreme all the time and I never think I’m invincible.

As for the Technical on the bike, I have heard the 650 is more freindly of a 600 like the SV650 suzuki makes. The 636 is going to handle better and be faster due to it being set up more for race.

Just make sure you take the Saftey class ASAP if you havn’t already. It was a great corse and helped out a lot. Its free in PA. part of the money you pay for your permit goes towards funding the class.

lolo myfault im 16 not 45 i just picked a random ass number cause i didnt want to have to go through all that child proof bullshit

i’m 25…I had two rockets in my early 20’s, if I would have been younger when I had them, I would not be alive. Anyways, if you are a responsible 16 year old(which i doubt you are responsible “enough”) then the 636 is great…beware you will probably look like a elephant riding a monkey though w/ your size…the bike will still pull you though. I am 6/1" as well.

lol hmmm

yamaha tw200 - mean mother f-er … on-road and off

sorry, i’m done, i swear…

I say go for the zx-10… i’m in the boat with SNS…my first crotch rocket was a litre bike… which i still have … and am still alive!

althought, i rode dirtbikes for years before i got it… and i rode an older street bike for 3 years also before i got it… so i had some experience…

i agree with the theory that age doenst have that much to do with it, its the amount of hours you have “in the saddle” … now, 16, i believe irresponsibility will get you in trouble… but i’m only 20, and i probably have more hours in the saddle as lots of 30 year olds out there who think they’re SOO incredibly experienced… i put 11K miles on my bike this year alone…

Shit your only 16, dude start out with a 250. why? Insurance, Maturity level (no offence) and price. You are going to get ass raped on anything 600 and over. I would get the 250 ride that for a year to prove your self with the insurance company and SLOWLY move up the chain.

You wallet, and life will thank you later. :slight_smile:

:naughty: :wink: 636

i jumped on my first bike ever with this 636 (learned to ride it as soon as it was delivered to my house) and wish i didnt listen to people telling me i couldnt handle a 1000…but i was 20 yrs old and thats not the case for everyone…some people should def. start out with a smaller bike.

Yeah I’m just giving advice based on what I know. Everyone when they are 16 thinks they are mature (including myself when I was that young) but truth of the matter you do stupid stuff some times. That with insurance companies knowing that and having the same mind set, its going to cost a lot as well with having so little experience on the road.

I would start calling insurance companies first with what you want.

Then you have to figure if you are going to finance it, if you ar egoing to finacne it you are going to run into issues with full coverage…

But you can do what you want its a free country.


no its straigh cash

cool I would start giving insurance companies calls before drop cash on somthing. Actually you will have to have the insurance befor eyou can take delivery so start calling now. If you have a vin number give that to them so there are “no accidental” mistakes or mis quotes suprises when they finally recieve the Vin.

Hope that helps.


and i also agree that 16 is pretty young to even ride (on teh streets) for alot of people…i am glad i waited till 20 to get my first cuz i would ahve made some really bad mistakes if i was younger…

hell I have done stupid stuff and I’m 26…

It sort of ends like “welp that was interesting, Note to self don’t try that again anytime soon.”

Like when I got pissed in traffic going to work, whacked the throttle and power wheelied up the hill past a Campus cop. Thank god it was bumper to bumper traffic coming down the hill where the cop was or my ass was done and I would have been late for work. I watched him look but his ass was stuck between the stupid people, a crane and the traffic…lol

hell i am 26 and just got my first bike last year… but i got a crusier… just because i know that if i had a rocket i would be riding wheelies all day long and probally die… i just know that i am not responsable enough to stop when i know i can do something… besides wheelies are fun

hmm i did think i was pretty responisable till now thanks alot lol