Keele and Lawrence Dealership?


Just wondering if anyone knows of a Japanese car import dealership near the keele and lawrence area? Ive been told it is called Tiger Direct Auto but i cant seem to find it. Any info would be great.

I don’t recall seeing any Japanese car import dealership in that area, unless you mean
They are just south of Lawrence and Keele.

i think someone was pulling your leg calling it “Tiger Direct” lol

tiger japanese?,Toronto,+ON&cid=0,0,4061906547763520565&ei=8CgmT6ioCYbtggfuxZiHCQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&ved=0CAsQ_BI

he means keele and ingram drive

No it was my cousin who couldnt remember the actual name or location of the dealership. Thanks for the help though guys, ill continue to look around.