tiger japan

i went there thismorning to look at there hot rods and what not, lmao some one climbed the fence and broke into like every skyline and rx7 they had back there…guy didnt seem to happy about it, who did it? anyone?

damn that sucks for them
how they break into them, smash the window? or jimmy the locks open?
just keep an eye out i guess for cheap parts for sale for those cars by some odd people…

like atleast 5 cars had the pass. side window smashed…interiors were all torn apart…

another unsatisfied costumer …:S :S :S


never even heard of tiger japan, whats wrong with them? :confused:

Tiger Japanese in Scarborough?
I bought my Front Clip from there

lol it was assass1n, a sad attempt to get his skyline running again :stuck_out_tongue: jk haha

tiger japan sells very sketch mint condition japanese cars. Where no one is allowed to test drive them unless they put a deposit on it. Funny the GTR i was looking at I felt like a anime bubble to pop up and say “garrggle KILLLLLL meee” there cars look very abused and not worth the cash. As for parts I never looked so I cant comment on parts.

so they sell sketch mint cars, but they look abused and not worth it? wtf
anyways im never going to buy a car from there, i just like to get dressed up and pretend that i have a fat wallet, but yeh one thing i noticed, was one of the gtr badges were taken off a skyline, and then i went to the shell up the road, kennedy n w.e idk and there was a skyline in there litte 2bay shop that looked like it just had a gtr badge glued on to it…suspisious, yes, i didnt say anything tho. but if anyone is lookin for a jdm car with broken glass and missing interior, im sure you can get them cheap there now, cant imagin them selling them for the same price

… Well I just spent a hole day replacing a faulty injectors and valve cover gaskets on my car… Yes I bought this engine from Tiger Japanese (It was in my front clip)

… humm now who would do such a thing…

Look on there site. Under condiiton all there cars say best. But when your there in person they just look neglected and abused.