I don’t know a thing about Volvo’s, nor do I care. I openly admit that. With that being said, I said nothing about Volvo’s, I simply stated that I would bet money that Cossey will stomp your face in in regards to your current conversation.
You referred to my car as a bloated ricer with a fart can, and implied that since I’m a premed student at Cobleskill that I have an intellectual deficiency stemming from my lack of studying in highschool. What exactly do you consider “talking shit”?
On a second note, I own my car, not a bank, and every bolt tightened on my car has been done by myself, as well as the motor and tranny that didn’t come included. I have physical disability too resulting in my inability to deal with retards, it makes my head hurt. My head is currently hurting.
PJB this just makes me think of that one picture of you with all of the di-casts behind you… /thread, win.