Kid finds bag of...

That’s be funny if he was on NYSpeed.

“Went out for a bag of milk…and came home with a bag of cash.”

Who carries around $10k in a paper bag? If I have any large amounts of cash, it’s not leaving my hands for any reason.

It was probably stolen money from somewhere. Either way pending swiping all the bills with a marker when I got home. I would have bled that money out slowly. Pizzas and such.

I would keep it in my possession, but make a reasonable effort to find whomever lost it. If I couldn’t I would definitely keep it.

If there is 10K in a bag in a bathroom… you can bet your sweet ass someone is looking for it… Its only a matter of time they find out who took the money. I would hold on to it and not spend it for a while.

If you hand it into the cops… who in their right mind would try to go to the cops and ask if someone handed in 10K. Its probably drug money

I found $20 Canadian at the Bills game this Sunday… It was the first time I made no attempt to return it to the owner


I would probably hand it in. I dunno though. That is a LOT of money, but my concience would get the best of me if I didn’t…damned concience. I have that whole “do unto others” mentality. If I had lost 10k I’d be pretty mad…and would be VERY happy if someone turned it in. Besides, if you take it to the police and nobody claims it within like 48 hrs or something it is legally yours.

whats the most CASH MONEY anybody has held in there hands/arms here?

i would have done exactly what he did. Good for him:bigclap:

I would have waited to see if someone legitametly was looking for it before I spent it. I would however throw it in a savings account and collect the interest while I wait lol

i would have invested it and 40years later i would return it to the owner :wink:

well thats if america still exists in 40 years.
i dont have volume so i didnt even watch the movie, but i read the comments. how the hell did it turn into a religious thing? people are retarded.

imho, if i found 10k i would keep it, and if someone found 10k of mine i would expect them to probably keep it too. But if they did return it, i would probably atleast give them 500$

If i ever saw 10k in a bathroom, id be far to paranoid to even look at it for more than a couple seconds. Id be afraid somebody is watching me and as soon as I touch it they come out of nowhere and hold a gun to my face. That or cameras or some shit. Id just leave it where it was. If somebody is missing something they are bound to retrace their steps and they may find it.

I’d also be worried about the “do unto others” mentality… then again, I wouldn’t ever be carrying 10k cash on me, that is, except for when i took that bag to the bank. so really, no one could ever do unto me…

So yes, i’d keep it.


iv held around there too.its weird feeling…even knowing its clean money.
im sure it would be a little uneasy finding ten in a bathroom.
i would most likely take it and never look back…

nor would i ever tell anyone tht i had just found 10k that wasnt mine.

id buy your account on nyspeed and never sign on.

i dont even want to disclose on here the most i’ve held. yes it was clean, no it wasn’t mine

ill trade u my account for your account, i want a jesus avatar