Kids these days....

I was going out to dinner last night… I got asked what this was in my car…

I don’t follow, what is it? Why are there 6 of them?

No… asked what it was for as in, they never seen a stick shift car before.

I know, I was kidding myself.


Did you show them the video.:wink:

It’s obviously for switching tracks on your iPod.

I’m assuming this was a female?

What’s wrong with your car?
Why can’t it change its own gears?
It’s a shame couldn’t afford the transmission that shifts for you…

Why do you keep moving it around?

SIDE NOTE: WAY too many of my male friends have no idea how to drive a manual. It’s sickening.

Get new friends.

Whats the “R” stand for?




The more I read, the sadder I get.

When I got to the “it’s too bad you couldn’t afford a transmission that shifts for itself one” I felt like:

Rape! The car should always be in Rape mode.

Tell me about it!

how much karma did you get out of this

Best quote so far:
“Best way to not get your car stolen in the U.S.”

I learned the real reason why we interchange “manual” and “standard” is that when cars were starting out, the standard option was the “manual transmission”. Not manual doesn’t really work too well since automatic comes standard.

I also learned that if you say “I drive stick” in the UK, people think you are the catcher in a gay partnership.