Kill Bill V2

Fucking brilliant.

i give it a 14 out of 10.

Go see it.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

kill bill vol 1=roxors

kill bill vol 2=suxors

quentin is the best director of the millenium aside from stanley
kubrick,but hes dead VOLUME 2 was not as fast paced as VOL 1, but i loved every minute so did the audience the beard throwing cantonese guy was the fuckin man but like most guys fallen to a
womans hatred

Originally posted by sti/rosewoodT
the beard throwing cantonese guy was the fuckin man

Pai Mei was one of the coolest fucking characters I’ve ever seen in a film…

As for “Vol 1 > Vol 2”… it’s impossible to make an assertion about comparisons… They’re two halves of one story… quite unlike a standard sequel-type deal. Vol 1 had some fast-paced action, but Vol 2 had all the pieces of the puzzle coming together.

pieces to the puzzle?are u serious?the only damn thing i didnt have figured out was what her damn name was.after i found that out i wanted to leave cause it was freakin boring