Killed my first V8

so last night on the way home from work on XXXXXXX road, i notice one of those new impala SS V8’s being drivin by a younger dude, going in and out of traffic and being somewhat of an asshat…guy was prob in his mid 20’s…

i knew the older SS impalas were v6 supercharged, and i remember seeing the thread where daddie barely hung on to one…so i figured what the hell, might be fun…

we catch a light, and he doesnt look over…so i pace with him through first and into second around 25mph…then he guns it, jumps a few cars while i start to build boost through 2nd…top of second i’m a half car ahead, into third and i start pullin away…

shut down at about 65 just because i was in a 30mph speed limit area, and didn’t feel like getting a ticket just so i can say i had a few busses on him when i shut down…it was over, he wasn’t coming back, the end…

here’s where it gets good though…

we catch the next light…and i roll down the window, as does he…the conversation was as follows:

me - that thing’s pretty quick…nice car

him - yours is too…what is that, a CRX?

me - no…a twin turbo ford…

light goes green, he launches hard…and i just drive normally because a block ahead of me is my turn…

lol do 300zx’s look at all like crx’s? or is it just me not seeing the relation here…

edit: i also looked up online at work today…the new V8 Impala’s are good for 303hp and 323tq… meh, def not enough to give me bragging rights by any means, but at least it was a fun run…

crx…hmm must be the wing throwin him off

CRX? It’s gota be your wing…

crx whut


so therefore, you > howie


CRX? not seeing it. CRX’s are horrible. sorry to anyone that owns one. go buy a new car. soon.

good kill :tup:

So you have a Ford 300CRX TT??


maybe he thought it was a Saturn

323 tq to the front wheels = fun fun torque steer

But yeah, can’t sleep on them, nice power for what it’s worth.

:wtf: My car’s good for an indicated 68 in 2nd. Is mine geared really tall or yours really short?

Mine is good for 55 in second?

hey i’m looking, lol. but i’m enjoying the 40mpg right now too :slight_smile: oh and nice kill.

nice kill andy. lol at the crx comment.

Hehehe dam nice killl is this the new ss you talking about? Isn’t this car the new half engine shut off type? Doesn’t it run on 4 cyclinder? Then 8 when need? 300 hp and 300+ torque couldn’t even hold his ground…dam what a waste. Anyways good kill. How much is your tt making out? :tup:

I would take him calling your car a CRX as a compliment

CRXs are sweet,

Um, Sweet.

30-65 quickest race ever

60 to 0 races r much faster

Someone could make a way better car with a 90’s SS Impala with the LT-1 for a lot less than a new one. Imagine an Impala with the LT-4 conversion with TT and/or nitrous?? That would be a sick sleeper.