Killed my first V8

Im gonna call BS on this one LMAO just because My SS is even with your car and the Impala can take me.:biglaugh:

That’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve read all day. You know anything about CRX’s at all?

CRX’s don’t have big wings? At least the one stock wing offered was small…

actually i do.

sorry i offended your love for CRX’s. Everyone’s got their own opinion so… live with it? :cry:


i guess that means we have to run again :shrug:

and yes, it was one of the new SS’s with the V8…looked the same as EVERY new chevy does…same tails, same fronts…they all just look so damn similar to me, chevy got lazy at the drawing board it looks…

Zs are V8 killas this year :tup: good work

91MR2, youre silly :slight_smile: