Kind of new

Hey everyone I joined about a month ago and really didnt notice the newbie corner until now. Right now I drive a leased 2007 GTI MK V and if you guys really want ill post pictures of it. But yeah nice to meet you all.


is it red


welcome :wave:


No its not red :stuck_out_tongue:



zomg hi 2 u

welcome :slight_smile:

i see this older guy driving a red one around all the time. Got pix huh?

hey welcome
how do you mod a leased car lol


hey welcome
how do you mod a leased car lol


You don’t.

You just beat the piss out of it for a few years, and then turn it back over before shit breaks for you.

Yeah the downfall of leasing… cant mod. Although I don’t care the car is already fun to drive and thats really all that matters to me. Ill post pics up later for you guys I promise. I was going to do it yesterday but I had to go into work.

hi :wave:

oh what it do!

whats the buy out price on that bad boy?

Oh, and I like new GTi

hello :wave: