kinda new from cobykill...

you and me both…

It’s not about “being cool” getting way too old for that stupid stuff… It’s about getting the most performance for your dollar. I’ve always hated Hondas until I actually got one and realized how cheap and easy it was to make serious power in such a lightweight car. they can handle pretty well too… and besides, isn’t the point of being a tuner to build it all to your own unique taste? why would I want to buy a car that someone else modified how they wanted it to look? that’s not cool at all in my book.

well not to start anything but i would have to say Joey,Brooks,Jason,I and a few others can fit in there with Delucia and Swift. well as for me not anymore, used to tho :frowning:

getting the most performance for the dollar…does NOT make a Honda fall in that category.

I have a 93 4 door EX as a DD, and my camaro for when I want to go fast…I will tell you right now, 80mph in the civic feels like 165 in my camaro…frankly, its scary as fuck.

Yeah, valid, I was just tryin to stoke the fire a lil. I tend to think the simplicity is one of the cool elements IF your gonna drive a Honda… have it at least be a sleeper if ya can. Coby made a fair point… made fast cheap is true.


I am personally not a honda fan But I do not see the need to bust someones chops who is. Gl with the build and welcome to the forum. I am about 15 minutes from copy so if ya see a blue flamed 55 chevy running around thats me.

welcome do0d

hahahahahahahahahaha…that just makes me laugh…80mph in a civic is scary hahahahahahahaha

are you retarted? I was comparing the civic to my camaro. A car that was designed to do the speed limit to and from the grocery store and a car that was designed to do 170mph stock. Im not “literally” scared at 80mph in the civic moron…it was a relation to the feeling compared to a car that was designed to go fast, and one that wasnt.

BTW, I really dont think you can jump on my shit about being scared of high speeds. I have been faster then you prolly will ever go.

wow you huffin more of that nazzzz then your sprayin in your car, or you just this sour because everytime you go out you get mopped up by one of those 80mph grocery bombers, I honestly just thought it was funny what you said wasn’t making fun of you, but hey you know me better then I do

lol camaros were NOT designed to ‘do 170mph stock’

sketchy ass camaro=sketchy ass civic


iv been faster then everyone, i got a ride in a f16

dude, you act like you know what your talking about, when you dont

The only HONDA that beat me on the bottle was the S2000 ON RACE GAS…and I even beat that car one run, and he beat me the next…and im only on a pussy 100 shot, my car is tuned for a 150 which I havent even used a 125 yet…Brett was in the car for all of these.

Do you want to see videos? there are only a few cars I have raced on the bottle…

Pete, Joey, Jason’s integra and the S2k…all of which I have videos Minus the s2k if you would like to see.

:lol yeah I’d hate to turn the wheel at 100 in either of those dumpers

whatever dude my car was designed to take corners at like 130mph allday…you dont know what your talkin about

lol, yeah, I was just going to say the same thing. My hatch takes 130 like it was meant to be there. may have a modified suspension, but still… and for a car that I have less than 5 grand into. If your scared of 80 it’s time to buy a new set of tires.

i was in Erics s2k and it was breaking up most of the time just saying. he got new plugs in so im sure hill run again