King Tut

went to the king tut exhibit here this past weekend. Some really amazing stuff in there, how incredibly detailed it all was. A few really interesting movies about how the pyramids were constructed and how entirely dedicated the common people were to the pharaohs. If anyone has a chance to get out this way and see it i’d recommend it, 2 :tup:

That was a pretty amazing culture. Would have been interesting to see.

awesome…i watch the history channel specials on this stuff when i can catch it. very cool to go see. im jealous. i’d love that

i couldn’t believe how well preserved everything still was after 3000 yrs.

have your own pics?

Yeah, amazingly well, like my buddy here…

no cameras, video equipment, sound recording equipment allowed in, and you are not allowed to use a cellphone while viewing the artifacts. There were armed guards everywhere in there.