Kissmiss bash


i went once, but only because a friend of mine had free tickets and had to do an artical about the concert for her school paper

she loved taking me as her reporter sidekick for that shit, i always had great responses when shit sucked

kiss the summer hello sucked, and then she got to go to kissmass the same year … ugh, she had to take so many perfectly good quotes of mine out of her articals because they were to colorfull


I don’t know if anyone here went, what a fuckin waste of money. First off i figured it would have a 20’s something crowd, no, it was ALL teenie boppers with there mothers. 10,000 screaming girls was louder that 1 million dollars of speaker equipment. Then the groups, simple plan was ok, good charlotte ok, then this fuck Sean Kingston. OMG what a fuckin loser, didn’t sing one song, just played his cd’s and walked around stage saying “waaaa” “yeaaaa” and crap like that, with some loser that ripped his shirt off, like i wanted to see that. We waited threw 4 30 min quiet periods with just some crappy screenes to look at and the Back Side boys walking around like losers, for Hinder, and they wern’t too impressive. Really that sean kingston thing was the absolute worse, like a HS talent show. Not sure if anyone else went, i know it was my last time for sure.


Not one word of your post suprises me.

Except that you didn’t expect it to be the worst thing ever.

I was there… bartending in the Harbor Club. It was a bunch of 21 year old losers that kept bitching about the price of drinks.

all the douchebags that performed came to subzero for the afterparty. they all suck at music, but are very good tippers :jam:


all the douchebags that performed came to subzero for the afterparty. they all suck at music, but are very good tippers :jam:


Say hi to Louie for me.
I think every Kiss concert/party ends up at SubZero


In the 4 times you waited… How many minutes, of those 2 hours, did you question your sexuality?



lol…kissmas bash…ha!

Glad to see my hatred of Janette is shared. I was flipping around one day and caught her trying to explain high gas prices and she was so wrong my head almost exploded.