Kit cars.. replicas or knockoffs?

Me and my dad built a Factory Five Mk.3 Roadster awhile ago. It looks great, gets comments everywhere it goes and is fast as fuck. What’s not to like? Pic very much related.

Fiero-Ferrari kit cars and the like are excessive body kits.

Cobra replicas are pure awesome.


i guess i dont really like them because every KC i personally seen was a POS hack job, but that does not mean they all are.
god damn this is a dividing issue!


Environment friendly lambo kit car! …requires extra fire insurance.

That looks really nice, I’d love one of those.

If you ever end up in London for whatever reason let me know and I’ll take you for a rip in it.

^Will do, but I think it’ll be some time until I’m back in Canada :smiley:

The originals are classic and a piece of automotive history…and are also something most wont ever be able to afford. IMO the kit cars IF done properly can also be awesome as you can now get upgrades in suspension and engines using 30-40 years advance in engineering. So now for 25-50k we can drive a look alike of a car we would have loved to have new, but due to upgrades would probably (if spec’d right and not cheesed) run circles around the originals …what could be better? Now, all I need is the 50k :slight_smile:

i live in Canada (eyebrow raise eyebrow raise)

you do know he could mean LONDON Ontario…