Kitchener/Waterlooo Weekly Meets

haha, when I left the parking lot and chirped into 2nd, you should have seen the dudes face crossing the street on the bicycle (about 30-40ft infront of me) he must have thought I was actually gonna run him down and then once he realized I was not he then decided to give me a dirty look so I blew him a kiss and his dirty looked instantly changed to “wtf” look

So yes… we need to come up with a new meet location (one without so many people around) and no timmis!!!

so if not timmis, then a nice big smooth parking lot where some of us can show off their sexy cars and built engines…not me :frowning:


I thought the auditorium wouldn’t be too bad. Out in the back corner next to the skate park. There might be a few clowns who will come over to look, but it will most likely be kids. Oh well…

Anyone else game to try this new location out for a try?

the aud sounds like a good spot for it, huge parking lot out by the skate park, with hardly any cars there, sometimes get the odd driver training going on in that parking lot in the same area but thats no big deal because there is tons of room.

i should have my car put back together soon for some of these local k-w meets, and finally meet some of you guys which i see driving around all the time.

I dont mind the Aud, just the cops are all over that end of town and they seem to blitz that section of town quite a bit “near king and near the expressway”. Then theirs all the car junkies who already hang out @ the timmis on ottawa so the cops cruise up and down there just looking for people to give tickets too.

Thats one of my most commonly traveled parts of K-W and I haven’t had a problem yet, except for last Friday that I told you about. Nothing came of it though.

I think we shouldn’t have any problems. Escpecially on a Sunday afternoon.

it’s a pretty good place. i started practicing drifting there in the winter. it aws fun. nobody called the cops on us. even though it was usually after 12 at night.

so what time are we meeting? hopefully after 5:30PM-ish???

It’s usually around anywhere from 1-3 pm, but I think we my be able to change the time accordingly to meet peoples schedules.

i don’t think too many peopel will come out this weekend. itms may 2-4, people going camping, people getting drunk, etc…

Well lets have a meet @ the AUD or what not and see how it goes…

I know myself… I’d prefer between 1-3pm as I normally have dinner with the family between 5-6 on Sundays… And as for this weekend being may 2-4, yes some people probably wont be around but I know I will be since I’m helping my buddy put his SR into his S13. So hopefully we get it finished for sunday afternoon so he can join the meet.

ill prolly come out to this one…

You better… I dont think I’ve seen your car since its been fixed and put back together anyway.

lol… yeah i know… so much work so little time…

Count me in again Jeff.

if i happen to be in town i’ll stop by again, no promises though.

I hope you read that it will be at the AUD instead of the RINK.

Just don’t wan’t you going to the wrong place and being like WTF?

thanks for the heads up, i saw that earlier but forgot until now.

so what time are we meeting? 2pm just like last weekend works for me…

back corner sorta near the skatepark area correct ?

I’ll be getting stoned under the hardbody tomorrow thanks to gas lines. then afterward Ill probably be out playing in the mud, so no dice here this time.

That is fine with me Jeff.

Back corner will be best I think.