Going to try to use all original external parts, but don’t have a problem using new/updated/upgraded parts inside the motor.
I’m going to build a frame from scratch, and have a whole list of things I’d like to do, but nothing too crazy, no boost. Half considered fuel injection, but I’ll see how that pans out.
I am not saying this to be an ass, but, I can only imagine what that collection of parts cost. Is what is in the picture what you have? I would keep it stock looking on the outside. I think the knuckle looks perfect. So say you build a frame, what do you do for a VIN? Do you just use the engine VIN for registration purposes? Does anyone ever care/check shit like that on a bike?
Yeah, there is no VIN on the frame pre-70s, so as walker said you can pretty much do whatever you want.
I’m likely not going to modify the engine or transmission at all. I will use aftermarket internals and maybe jugs, but will try to keep the exterior stock. I’m torn if I will use the standard sort of sloppy oil line routing, or if I should make my own. I’m leaning toward the later, but if I do that, I will not modify the OEM knuckle tins and just get repop ones.
Yeah it’s expensive. I’ll likely be around 15 for the motor alone all said and done, I suspect, but you gotta pay to play…
I’ve been doing a lot of design work on this bike over the past couple weeks. I’m debating on trying to get it into a big show in early 2017, but if that’s the case, I can’t really post anything until mid next year.
That being said, I’ve closing in on 15 grand in parts spent over the past couple weeks, not including the 9 grand I’ve got into the motor already.
This is going to be an expensive motorcycle.
I suspect I’ll have between 40 or 50 into it when I’m done, at 0 dollars/hour labor. Eesh.