Knocking sound

I have a 89 s13. Over the last few days i have developed a knocking sound everytime i turn. It doesnt matter if i turn left or right and when i turn the wheels straight again there is a knocking sound.

Does anyone know what this may be?

if its making the noise when you turn my guess would be maybe the strut mounts or strut bearings? When i had my stock suspension on my s13 i was getting a loud clunking sound from the front passenger corner when i would hit a bump and it ended being the strut.

i have the same problem you do.

could ALSO be the TC rod bushing… they get really warn and eventually cause occasional Miss ALINGMENT. and it makes a cuchunk kinda niose when u turn or hit a bump.

check u’re tc rod bushing behind the wheels and see if therez any black goo squeezin out.

right and left ball joints?

yes check, upper mount berings, balljoints, sometimes tie rods will clunk too