Know a good towing/roadside assistance plan that covers both car and motorcycle?

Something like Allstate Motor Club’s RV plan?

Just wanted to see what option is out there. Thanks!

does AAA cover bikes?

trip a or check with your ins. provider, i know nationwide offers road side to anything i have insured buttt dont need it cause i got trips

Alot of cell phones offer road side coverage as well

Ah, thanks. I think AAA’s PLUS RV covers bike.

Looks like AMC had better coverage at a lower rate? or am I reading it wrong…

I think you are right, nice. I will look into it.

i have aaa RV

covers trailers and bikes

Yep AAA + covers bikes.

May be your best bet. That’s what I used to have.

AAA but ONLY plus membership… Four 100 mile tows per year for $100 is the SHIT. I usually use 2-3 a year and sell the last 1-2 to someone for like $200-300 and MAKE money on the membership lol.

you gotz the hebrew plan then

5tows @ 150miles, 76$

selling tows? thats pretty ridiculous. i guess im just too good a friend and hook my buddies up if they need it.


lol sketchyyy

I haven’t used AAA in like 3 years. Fuckers have been making money off me, have the AAA + too. If anyone needs a tow let me know lol just so I feel better about sending them a check every year

Yea homie I got a badass one it looks like this:

Buddies? I do hook them up for free, im talking random people… Check craigslist, people always looking for long distance tows and willing to pay. I’ve also sold a few cars where the buyer didnt want to drive the car home so they paid me to use my triple A to tow it home.

cool? whatever helps you sleep at night.