Know anything about Avox Systems in Lancaster?

There’s a good amount of info on their website but I can’t find anything that talks about how big they are. Anybody know anyone that works there? Good place to work? Any eye candy? Er, I mean, opportunities for advancement?

It used to be Scott Air Pak.
They made air packs for just about every fireman on the planet.
I believe that business was sold(along with the name).
They still make oxygen systems for planes, etc.
They have been bought and sold a couple times in the last decade or so.

my work just won a bunch of bids to make parts for them. and we have been making parts for those airpacks forever. i believe what i was told is they want to close or seriously downsize their machine shop. or i could be completely wrong. but yea awdrifter nailed it

I go to school with a woman in the accounting department.


That doesn’t sound so great.

its not always bad thing…the company makes money

Where do you work?


Unless Praxair pulls through between now and Monday I’ll be interviewing there Monday morning. Just wondering if anyone had any inside info. :snky: I talked to the recruiter since I posted this and found out that they’re ~$50 mill/year, >200 people. Doesn’t sound too shabby. Worth using half a sick day to find out anyhow. :tup:

Did you get your free dry ice at AVOX?
I guess NYSEG was distributing it from their place.

Accellent. used to be medsource

The dude called to cancel the 8AM interview at 7:45 when I was like 2 minutes away. I’m trying again this monday.